Monday, April 30, 2012

No way!!

How awesome is this?? I'm sitting here at work thinking about my new hobby and so I decide to google my shakki helmet to see other pictures of it. I do, and I find there is a matching BIKE!! Too good to NOT post about ...

Photo courtesy of
 So, I'm trying to find out more information on this bike so that I can be prepared to get it when I'm ready to buy. So far, it looks like this bike is only available in Japan. It's an AFG/Icon CBR Shakki bike. I really hope I can find it here. That will be my bike .... xoxo

I'd like to stop now ...

So, thoughts of a certain someone are still lingering in my brain. Behind my eyes, I play out scenes of him and me when no one is looking. Ugh ... why?? And, it doesn't help that he made an appearance in my dreams last night. 

It felt very real. They always do. And, I could feel myself literally holding back from touching him, even though he was so close. He was just as easy to talk to as I remember and being with him was nice, too. I wonder if it's my subconscious not wanting to let go of this certain someone. I don't want to think about him anymore, but he lingers in my mind. Still.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Linger ...

Thoughts of a certain someone kept haunting me throughout the day ... I don't know why. But, maybe I do. A lot of bike talk lately and another certain someone leaving me one day. Sigh. Gonna watch Archer and try to forget it all ... xoxo

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Been MIA ...

Hello readers! After almost a week of no new postings, I'm back! And, after a weekend plus a Monday of doing nothing but taking care of my sick little B, I was ready to come back to work. She's still running a fever, but I couldn't take another day off.

Friday, though, Movie man and I got to have a nice evening together. He picked me up and we drove over to Kailua and had dinner at CPK. After that, he felt like going into town, so we checked out some live jazz at the Dragon and then walked around and ended up at Gordon Biersch's outside bar enjoying some live music and the silly stylings of drunk people on the dance floor. 

And, WHOA! It just hit me that this thing with Movie man and I can't go anywhere. Tears hit the back of my eyes and instantly, my mood has changed. It's not love, at least I don't think it is. We haven't known each other that long. It's something,  but not love. Too much talk about what's going to happen after he leaves. Left us both feeling somewhat melancholy. Damn ...


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I think I've found it ...

With a portion of my tax return, I am treating myself to my first motorcycle helmet. It's an icon brand and will be a worth-while purchase. I chose the icon- alliance shakki ...

This helmet is not only a good one as far as safety and comfort, but the design tells of the different Japanese mythological elements. I absolutely love that it tells a sort of story and I am a big fan of Japanese culture as well. For background on the design,  check out

Can't wait for that check, but in the mean time, I'll go ahead and get fitted for it this week! 

Time to get outta here ... xoxo

Ek Main Aur Ekk Tu ...

Little did I know how much this line would mean in the last few days. Ek main aur ekk tu, translates to "I want to be with you." 

So, Mr. Movie-pants and I are giving it a shot. A real one. Yes, he is leaving in October and this relationship has an expiration date which we are well aware of. But, in the mean time, we enjoy spending a lot of time together and aren't ready to give that up just yet. 

So, for now ... ek main aur ekk tu. 


Monday, April 16, 2012

Damn Good!

It's the end of another great weekend ... sometimes I wish it would never end. Spring Film Festival started and I was to attend a Korean flick with a few friends on Friday night. After finishing up what was left of my taxes, I met up with an old friend for dinner at my favorite Pho place in Kaneohe. I had a window of about an hour before my film started, so we decided to meet and eat. 

I haven't seen this guy in a few years, so catching up was nice and went longer than I expected. Needless to say, I missed my movie, but it was for the best. B had been coming down with a cold and I wanted to be home to take care of her.

Saturday got off to a rough start. B and I met M and his parents for brunch at Ruby's before my cousin's wedding that afternoon. M was scheduled to take care of B, but she wasn't feeling well and only wanted her mommy. It was just as well because M had been drinking at brunch and could not stop antagonizing me, so I stayed home with B while my family went to the wedding. I hear it was nice, but I am glad to have had the time to spend with my little one and help her get better. Movie man came over with a nice, big pizza for B and I that night, too. It was really nice to see him, even though he was so tired after work. 

That night, after putting B to bed, I had been texting a new guy that I met two or so weeks ago. He's a motorcycle guy and that was the mutual interest when we first met. And, late last night we were texting about riding and he proposes a ride early the next morning. I was all for it, but had a Japanese film I was going to see at noon. So, I mention the film festival and he had never been. Told him which flick I was going to see and that if he was interested, he could come with. He loved the idea and so we met up at the mall about an hour and half before the film and he took me riding before heading up to Dole. So, if anyone saw a blue and silver sports bike with 2 riders and spiked helmets on the road about 11 am on Sunday, that was us! 

The film we saw had been Ace Attorney. It was over two hours, but it was one of those intense mystery movies with a lot of comedy, so it didn't feel so long. We both loved it. And, then he took me to subway across the street for lunch. We talked, the usual "getting to know you" stuff when you meet someone new. And, after that, he drove me back to my car which had been parked at the mall. He invited me to the next "Bike Night" that he does and I am going to go! Ordering my helmet this week  ...

I'm going to end it here since it is late and I need my sleep. The weekend post isn't over yet ... xoxo

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Today around 1pm, I was sitting at my desk trying to decide what to eat for lunch. And, around the same time, the ex was texting me about his plans for the evening. Getting a tad pissed that he was being, yet again, frivolous with his money, I texted Movie man about my frustration for a little bit. 

So, I was sitting here, trying not to be po'd and thinking about what to eat when I  hear the door to my office open. I thought it was one of my attorneys, so I proceeded to greet him as such, but to my surprise, it was Movie man! He thought he'd come by and cheer me up ... so sweet! Right then, I knew what I wanted for lunch, so Movie man accompanied me to Cafe 8 1/2 for my favorite, Puttanesca. After lunch, we stopped by Starbucks and he bought me an iced tea. We walked back to my office,  and I felt much better. 

Now, it's just about time to leave the office ... xoxo  

Nice night

So, the vegging out to Grey's Anatomy didn't happen last night. Nope. Instead, I spent some time with B, playing and giving her an early bath so that she could start settling down (yes, she's finally getting to bed early!) and go to sleep a little after dinner. I read her a chapter from "Legend of the Guardians" and then it was time for mommy to get dressed and go. 

Mr. Movie-pants came down to pick me up so we could hang out. He drove us back to town and it was nice to have some time with him. We've been talking a lot lately about where this thing with us is going, but I still don't know where we stand. Movie buddies, yes definitely. But, he wants more and I have to admit that part of me does, too. And, then the other part of me kicks that part of me and makes me see reason all over again. It can't go anywhere, not seriously. 

Then, I start to think of other options in regards to dating. But, right now, thoughts always come back to Movie man and Army guy. They're both really great guys ... and both leaving me some time this year. I suppose the dating memoirs will continue on. For now. 


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

No water day

Good afternoon, readers! Hope everyone is enjoying their hump-day Wednesday! I just got back from lunch at Ward with Mr. Movie-pants. It's so nice to get out of the office, get into a car and drive away from work ... for at least an hour.

This morning, I had a bit of time so I went online to look for summer programs for B. I wanted to enroll her in Japanese school again this summer, but her class is already full. So, she'll have to attend the Fall session. Also looking at sending her to ballet school and swim classes. Still trying to figure out how to pay for all of this, but the good thing is that most of these programs don't have an official start/end date. She can enroll anytime which means when mommy can pay for it. 

Today, B's class was supposed to have a water play day at school. But, the weather on our side was too cold and rainy this morning, so when we arrived at class, they were informed that there would be no water day. The other students seemed not to dwell on it, but my B took it a little hard. She had been looking forward to playing water all week with her classmates and so it took her a little longer to sign in and get over it. It's times like this that I wish I didn't have to work a 9-5 job. Or at least have the option of having the mornings off to deal with school stuff and my little B's array of moods. Most of the other mothers don't work or have an afternoon schedule, so they are able to stay as long as they want, chit-chatting with the teachers and the other non-working parents. While I am grateful to even have my job, I still long to be at home to be free to do all this fun stuff with B. 

I've been contemplating making a change in my work schedule ... rather, situation. I absolutely love my office and the people I work with, but I want to spend more time with B this summer since she'll be out of school. I'd like to be able to take her to her classes and pick her up without having to rely on my parents so much. I'm thinking of working part-time at Starbucks and finishing my book so that can help pay for some things, too. That's the dream ... to make a good  living off of my writing. One day ...

Until then, gonna keep trying to make ends meet. Can't wait to get home and veg out on some season 8: Grey's Anatomy. 



Tuesday, April 10, 2012

It's that time again

I'm talking about the Hawaii International Film Festival! The spring festival is only a week long, but I've already picked 5 films I'd like to see. It's just very exciting to look through all the film synopsis' and see which ones catch your eye. And, then you scroll down to the showing dates and times ... and, that's where your films get narrowed down.

With the film festival in full swing this weekend, it will be a pretty busy one. But, since I didn't get to post over the weekend more than once, I'll have to share happenings from this past Easter weekend.

In my last post, I mentioned how my army friend is back and he had been drunk texting me Friday night. Well, the texting went on into the wee hours of the morning (til around 4:30 am ... in between bouts of sleep). So, after a nice Easter Saturday with B, M and his parents, B and I went home and I got some sleep. Army guy kept me posted about his activities with his parents and after he fulfilled his family duties for the night, we met up at the Sheraton in Waikiki. The plan was to have drinks and catch up at Rum Fire, but we got there thirty minutes shy of last call. 

So, it was on to Senor Frogs. I had never been there and neither had he, but we were both open to a new experience and went for it. We got there just before midnight and it was a bit crowded. After finding one of the only tables left way at the back, I sat down while army guy went to get us drinks. He came back with two green bottles of beer and scooted in close to me. I thought, this guy either really missed me or just missed being next to a woman

After chatting a bit, sipping on our beers and taking in the atmosphere, he tells me that he isn't really in the mood for crowds. I thought that was fine, but I had still wanted to check out Kelley's to see if my friends' band would be playing. So, we headed over there after finishing our drinks. We sat near the entrance and listened to the band that was playing some nice jazz. Again, army guy sat close and put his arm behind me. After getting us a few more drinks, I was buzzing pretty good and we were chatting more. We somehow got closer and I suggested a walk to the beach since he didn't feel like being around crowds. 

Now, after finishing our drinks and a pit-stop before leaving Kelley's, we started the trek to the beach. It wasn't long before we hit the cool sand and took off our shoes to continue bare foot on the beach. It was a beautiful night with an almost full moon shining down on us. He and I walked with arms around each other for a little while before finding a place to sit and relax. We sat and I caught him staring at me with a sort of longing in his eyes. Before I let him any closer, I ask "did you miss this?" His gaze went from my lips to my eyes and he says "Yes." And, before you know it, we're locked in an unending kiss. It seemed to go on for a while, but it felt nice ... natural, like he'd never gone away. 

We sat on the beach together for a while before walking back. I parked at the Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center and I was so glad to have gone to Senor Frogs that night! Had we skipped it, my parking would have been $16! With their validation, it came down to $5 and army guy offered to pay for it ... very sweet and thoughtful. I drove him back to his hotel and headed home. 

It was a very nice reunion with army guy. I'm looking forward to all the things we planned to do while he was away. Just one problem ... Mr. Movie-pants wants to be the only one in the picture. Ohhhh  man ... it'll be interesting to see how this plays out. 

On Easter Sunday, the family got together at my aunty's in Waipio. We colored eggs, had an Easter egg hunt for B and my twin nieces, Re & Ri, and had a wonderful family day together. Re & Ri are getting so big and I am missing them so much. They'll be 2 in October, and B & I absolutely love their little antics! 

We left Waipio before 8 that night and B slept on the way home and straight through the night. It was so nice! My B needs to be going to bed at that time every night. As for myself, it was still a late night up watching Grey's episodes one after another. I'm thinking of doing the same tonight, but with a much earlier bedtime. 

Well, this ended up being a rather long post. Hope I haven't lost anybody! You all have a great night unwinding from the workday. If I can get myself to move off the couch tonight, I just might have another post in me ... xoxo     

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Hungry Games and taxing time

I know, I know. It's Hunger Games and it was pretty good! Tonight, Mr. Movie-pants and I went to an early showing of the Hunger Games and then headed into our second viewing of The Raid: Redemption. Yes, the action in that one is pretty damn awesome. 

But, before we had our date, I had a little date with my daughter. She and I went to the first showing of the day for Mirror Mirror. It was a very cute movie and B enjoyed it immensely with her popcorn and big-size fruit punch. After the movie, we enjoyed a delicious lunch at Sumo's followed by some playtime (for her) at the mall. We also checked out the animals and fishies at the pet store. I'm thinking about adding two little green puffers to our family. They are so cute and they made me miss my puffer that I had a few years ago. 

After doing my taxes last night and seeing our big refund, all the possibilities for that money seemed to be swirling around in my head. And, making a home for two little puffers seems very doable ... along with getting my motorcycle helmet! 

And, in other news ... my army friend is back from Afghanistan and I'm glad he is home safe. He's been drunk texting me for half the night, but that's ok. I'm sure I'll hear from his sober and sensible side tomorrow. Boys and their love of alcohol. 

Til the next one ... xoxo

Thursday, April 5, 2012


I'm having a bit of a dilemma at the moment. I really wish I could go into detail right now, but I am on the run. Closing up at work and then going to do my taxes. Hooray. 


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Butter Toffee heaven ... and other things

I am in butter toffee heaven this morning. Currently, my favorite flavor coffee that is made for those Keurig one-cup coffee makers is smelling up my office. I think it's going to be a two-cup butter toffee coffee day =)

So, last night, Mr. Movie-pants and I joined a few of my friends at Pandora's Cafe located in Koreamoku for their happy hour. First off, I had never been there before and didn't know their menu. And, second, I didn't know that Keeaumoku is known as "Koreamoku". Makes sense since that part of town is plentiful with Korean bars and restaurants. Before leaving work yesterday, I went online to check out their menu and most dishes were raw fish and sushi. I thought, Oh crap! Movie man doesn't eat seafood or anything raw. So, I warned him that there might only be chicken for him to eat. He said that was fine. And, so we get there a little before my friends and have a look at the menu. We come to find that their selection is pretty big with Japanese and Korean dishes. We decide on Korean style ramen for me (damn good!) and set #1 (4 beers and their ginger fried chicken) for Movie man. My friends get there and I introduce them to my date and we all proceed to catch up and decide on more food and drinks. 

It ended up being a sort of feast of different dishes: teriyaki kalbi, sashimi platter w/ahi, salmon and hamachi, korean style ramen, korean pancake, kim chee, daikon, ginger fried chicken and a few rounds of beer. The food was SO delicious and we'll be going back there again. 

We called it an early night and Mr. Movie-pants took me home. After a bath and putting B to bed, I was pooped. Need to do a longer set of yoga tonight since I skipped it last night. 

I'll be back later with another post ... xoxo      

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Top me off because I am full ...

And, I mean that title in a very good way! I have had one of THE best days, ever! After work, my mom surprises us with a dinner at Ruby Tuesday's and an Easter shopping trip. B got to run around at the playground and made a new friend while I got to catch up with his daddy, my friend from high school. I met his lovely wife and congratulated them on their little bundle due here in a few months. 

After getting home, I log onto facebook and right there in my news feed is my friend who is returning from AF this month. He posted that he's on his way back already and I am ecstatic! Much earlier than expected. 

So, that rounds out my super awesome Monday ... xoxo

Monday, April 2, 2012

Can we say, bloated??

Besides this super awesome Monday (and I'm not being sarcastic when I say that), I am in that time in my cycle where (yes boys, you might not want to read this post) I am BLOATED. I can't stand it! AND, I wore the wrong pants to work ... with a BELT, no less! I should have been mindful of that this morning and put on a dress. That's all I'll be wearing this week since it will be way more comfortable, especially with all the "spring cleaning" going on in the office. 

Last week, I was constantly hungry (yup, that time in my cycle) and I would eat something every hour half to two hours! It only lasted Monday through Wednesday, but still. Not only did I eat everything I packed for myself on those days, but I went out to pick up breakfast AND lunch, too. This week, it's water retention. Hopefully, this doesn't last more than a day or two ... very uncomfortable!   

Sunny Monday

Good day, readers! It is Monday once again, and it is just beautiful out here! The sun is out and warming us up and the skies are blue. It's been a really good day. 

Weekend recap ... Saturday morning, B and I had a nice, relaxing breakfast with one of my good friends at Moke's. As always, its great spending time with her and she got to meet B for the first time. After that, I took B to the mall for a little shopping trip, Easter gifts and then for a swim at her daddy's pool. 

After all that, we were pooped and stayed in Saturday night. Sunday was filled with Church, monkey bars after church and then homework and a relaxing day at home. Mr. Movie-pants and I went to see The Raid: Redemption at dole that night and considering I knew nothing and heard nothing about this movie, it was pretty damn good. Lots of action, blood and gore. Right up there with Ninja Assassin. Another one of my favorite action movies! 

So, this morning, I slept in a little longer than I should have, but everyone made it to school and work on time. But, on the way in to town, I get a text from this number I don't know, but they seem to know me. So, I find out it's someone from my past that I used to be involved with. Shocker! I never thought I'd ever hear from this person again. But, we've been texting today and it's turning out to be nice having contact again. 

And, my day keeps getting better ... Mr. Movie-pants came up and took me to lunch after his golf game today! He did really well and felt like celebrating. Tomorrow evening, we'll be joining a few friends for some happy hour fun at Pandora's Cafe. 

Until the next post ... xoxo