I'm talking about all the lovey-dovey, make me wanna barf, scratch out my eyes and punch you in the face posts. Not to mention all the babies that are about to be born. These girls seem to be pregnant FOREVER. Why? Because they post pictures of their growing belly EVERY OTHER DAY. Good god, I mean take it easy on the publicity shots of your kid that hasn't even seen the light of day yet. And, the couples that are getting married? Oh hell ... that shit just sends me through the roof. And, let me not forget the NEW couples. All in a haze of their new found puppy love. Gag me with a damn spoon.
Social media today really has taken things up 2 billion notches. When I was pregnant with B, I posted a few pictures of my growing belly, but nothing like some people today. I mean, wow.
I suppose these huge life events are getting to me once again because I can't have what I really want. I am happy to see that my friends are finding that special someone or welcoming a new little someone into their life. But, do they need to be so anal retentive about posting every 5 goddamn minutes?? Geezus. Give the rest of us a break. We don't always want to see that you are "with" so and so, or see you and that so and so in your pics ... that post to your newsfeed.
Now, I know that I can block them, and for some, I definitely will. But, others I just can't. Because they are good friends. And, these posts come up in conversation. If someone wants to talk about it and I haven's seen it, they'll feel slighted. Usually, I don't care, but there are a few that I actually care about.
At the moment, there are about 6 couples that I absolutely can not stand to see on my newsfeed. Only because they post ALL THE TIME. I am sick of hearing about certain weddings that are happening months from now. Sick of seeing photos of baby bellys and happy new couples. And, sick of seeing newborns as they grow ... every damn day by different members of their families. Absolutely sick.
Then, I think about it, and it all comes down to the fact that I am 3,500 miles away from the man I love. It hurts to see all this happiness that I want to be having in my own life.
I'm happy. Don't get me wrong. But, there's a difference between being happy apart, and being happy together. Sometimes, I feel like I want it more than he does. But, then he'll say something, or look at me a certain way that tells me we feel the same. It just hurts to be apart for indefinite amounts of time.
SO, to avoid some of that useless emotion, I'm taking a hiatus from Facebook yet again. Limited interaction, and no, absolutely NO looking at my newsfeed. Ugh. Fuck. That. Shit.
Goodnight readers ... xoxo
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