Yes. It matters to me. I'm talking about those we think are close to us. Friends, acquaintances, people we meet everyday. It's hard to see at first, but as you get to know someone ... it's not all sunshine and rainbows.
I've been thinking a lot lately about those friends I consider the genuine article. The ones who prove to be the real deal. And, you know what? There are only a handful of people I consider a real friend.
This post is gonna focus on the ladies in my life. I've never really had a best girl friend. Well, I used to back in school, but over the years as we grew up and apart, her true colors started to really show, and the person she really was had no place in my life. Unfortunate, but I will not stand to have toxic, negative people in my life.
I'm talking about in my adult life. The closest thing to a best friend I've had was my ex-husband, M. He and I have known each other for over 15 years. Next to him, there's my cousin T. She's about 8 years younger than me, but we've been through a lot of similar things in regards to relationships, and just life in general. She's the one I can turn to with anything, especially when I need a shoulder to cry on, or some emotional support. T keeps me sane, and at the same time, lets me rant my head off when I need it.
In the last few days, I needed her support with something I had been dealing with, and she is always on my side. T is my cousin and best friend. And, to counter act her full, loving support, there's my other girl friend, Red. The two of them are so different, and provide such a different perspective on things. I'll bring the same issue up with both of them, and get two sides I can look at things. But, this one situation in particular, they both agreed.
Now, I have to say something about those "fake" friends that have been in my life the past few years. Recently, it's come to my attention that some that I thought were genuine turned out to be nothing more than lying, backstabbing bitches. Selfishness above all else. It's sickening. Putting their physical appearance above their so-called "friends" because they're jealous of something someone else has. It's ridiculous, and I can't be around it anymore.
Just makes me thankful for the real people I have in my life. It may not be too many, but I'd rather be surrounded by good, true people than fake, backstabbing bitches.
That's all folks ...
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