Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Another year ... come and gone!

How time has been flying. Yes, readers, I am back after a few months hiatus from my blog. I have been keeping busy with work, my little B and ... life in general.

It's already the second week of December, and I cannot believe it. Before we know it,  2014 will be over. And, I am completely unprepared for this holiday season. I'm still at the same job making peanuts, so Christmas will be very small ... gift-wise. I intend on getting B her gifts ... and, that's pretty much it. My parents, too. But, SM and I have postponed Christmas as far as the gift giving part. We're both in dire straits in regards to finances, so it's no problem for both of us to wait on swapping gifts.

SM and I have been doing very well, but his schedule at work has been changing, which means his sleep patterns are not consistent. Poor guy is tired and grumpy ... a lot. And, he's got more roomies in the house, along with more pets. While the rent is cheap, space and quiet is getting hard to come by. We skype way less than we used to, but I expected that with his work, riding, visiting family over the holidays and with the recent move of some friends to his place. 

It's fine. We text a few times a day, but when we get to skype, it's so nice. Seems like a rarity these days. Our sessions have been longer and longer, but that's because we don't know when we'll be able to coordinate our schedules to skype again. Pretty sad, but like I said, I'm fine with it.

Planning another trip to Colorado, and this time with little B in tow. I'm excited to take her up there so she can see where we will be living within the next year. Shooting for March, when she's on spring break, but it might be sooner .... February. Just depends on if I can land a new job along with a few writing gigs to pay for this next trip. SM says to just save the money for the move this coming summer, but B has expressed that she would like to visit Colorado before we move there. And, I would like that too. It will also give me an opportunity to look at places and meet with a real estate guy my cousin has put me in contact with. 

It's getting more exciting and I'm getting more impatient. And, my friends' wedding invites came in the mail a few days ago, so it's all getting pretty real pretty fast. That happens in May, and SM will be back then. It will be so nice to see him in February or March, then in May and then in the summer ... when we'll come up to stay!!

So, I'll be back in the next few days with another post. I just wanted to shoot this one out to let you guys know I'm still here.

Night readers! xoxo 

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