Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Girl crush

No, I haven't kissed a girl. But every now and then, I tend to have little crushes on other girls.

It's not quite the same as having a crush on the opposite sex. At least, it isn't for me. A girl crush is something like ... I meet or see a girl, who is physically attractive to me, but as I get to know them, I find I like conversing and sharing time with them. It's friendship at it's finest, I think. 

In my adult life, there have only been a rare few girls that I've been attracted to in this respect. My last girl crush, I met back in 2011. She was this beautiful, Russian that worked across the hall from me at my last firm. We got to know each other after always passing in the halls, and started hanging out ... going to lunch, first friday events, even bike nights and whatever else my crazy friends were up to. Her husband traveled a lot and was gone for months at a time, so it was fun spending weekends with her when I wasn't on a date or with my little B. But, a little over a year ago, she moved to Kansas to be with her husbands' family. I miss her, but I'll be in Colorado next year, so road trips to see each other is a definite must!

My current girl crush is this gorgeous local Korean girl. She has two other sisters close in age (we're all around the same age) but, the other two don't strike me the way she does. I mean, they're all beautiful, but my crush gives off a different vibe than the other two. She's warm and welcoming ... and spunky. Very much like myself. Maybe that's why I'm attracted to her. And, like my last girl crush, I hope this can turn into a friendship evolving passed my move ... you know, keeping in touch via text, and maybe facebook. 

So, that's what I mean by "girl crush." It's not the normal kind of crush you get for the opposite sex. 

I'm going to end this post here. But, if something else pops into my head, I'll post again.


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