Well, I got him for tonight, anyway. Remember a few months back, I was hanging almost every Friday with one of my riding buddies? Well, he's usually got Friday nights off, but not tonight. We were going to ride and get some dinner after work, but since he works later, it'll be just dinner.
That's fine with me. Been wanting to hang with him again, and it's nice that we get to do that tonight.
The rest of the gang is planning some kind of after-work activity somewhere in town. I guess, depending where we end up for dinner tonight, we may or may not join up with them. Though ... I selfishly want to have him all to myself.
Yes, I still like him ... just a little bit. He's great company, always lots of fun ... playing around and joking like we've been friends forever. He likes me, too, but there's that one factor that we ride together. Kind of makes anything more than friends "off limits." No biggie ... I still enjoy his company, and flirting is always fun. Not to mention, he's still seeing someone. YIKES!
Anyway ... work is almost done. I absolutely can't wait until I can all it quits for today! But, before I go, I want to share a little story that just popped into my head ...
Last night, just after I got home, I get a text from Asshat-penis guy. You know, the one that sent me a picture of his junk after knowing each other for less than 20 minutes?? Yeah, him.
So, his text reads "wine under the full moon on the beach?" Sounds nice, right? So, that's the reply I sent. Apparently, dude thought we had made plans for the night, and was wondering when I would show up. I text my apologies since I wasn't going to make it. No sitter since I wasn't planning on going out with him in the first place.
Don't get me wrong, dude is HOT and he's got a really nice voice, but I CAN'T STAND him. He's got this winner of a PUSHY personality and it makes me want to strangle him. He's impatient and persistent as hell. After getting upset with me because I didn't tell him earlier that I couldn't make it for the night, he calls me. I mean, WTF?? I don't want to talk to this guy, yet he calls several times in a row. Then leaves a looooong-winded message about how he was trying to figure out what happened to make our night a bust, AND about how he knows he's the "asshole" in the situation. Well, to me, if you know you're being the asshole, STOP calling me!
I was SO close to blocking his number.
So, I get to work this morning, and guess who calls ... then texts?? Yup, Asshat-penis guy! If we ever do meet, it will be interesting to see if he can turn my bad impression of him into a good one. Good luck with that!
Now, I'm off! Dinner and some good company. Later ... xoxo
Friday, December 28, 2012
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Coming to you live ...
From the bus. Yeah, that's right readers ... good ole public transportation!
Hopefully, I can secure a bike ride to AND from work tomorrow.
Ehhhh ....
One before I go ...
One post before I leave work, that is. Yes, the mini vacation is over and I'm back in the office. It was a wonderful Christmas and B got everything she wanted! I even got some really great and unexpected gifts as well. Ready to ring in the New Year.
Glad we're all still here for it.
Anyway, just after my last post, I have to tell you all that I met someone new. HAHA .... yeah. It's not like that, just friends, but it's pretty funny how we met.
Last Friday, the 21st was a bike night. Last one of the year. Though, the weather had been bad all week, so it was super iffy for the bike cruise. My friend that's in charge of the cruise had been away visiting family, but kept checking on the weather for our night. Text messages, fb messages, postings on the invite page were going back and forth, back and forth to see if the cruise was on or not. I, myself had not decided to ride until just a couple hours before the scheduled meet up. My ride hadn't been sure either until the night before, so we made a tentative plan to meet at his place in town, and then go from there.
Just as I was about to get ready, I check the invite page on fb again. CANCELLED! One of my friends in charge posted that the ride was off due to heavy winds and wet roads.
Aww ... But, wait! Just before that message, I had a comment posted on my "...is going" post. I read it and it's from a guy that I don't recall meeting at any of the bike nights. He asks when I was leaving ... like we were good, old friends. So, I reply "in about an hour." He seemed harmless and I thought I HAD met him before at one of the rides. SO, I get an instant message, and it's him. Let's call him J.
We chat for a bit, talking about how iffy the ride is and wondered if it was going on or not. So, right after it was cancelled, I get a text from my friend that cancelled the ride. "Some of us are still going to ride if you're down." I think, hell yeah! So, I tell J that it's on and we should get ready. I ask for a ride, since I found out that he lives about a minute away. He agrees and gives me directions to his house.
Now, I don't remember meeting this guy ... and I'm not even sure if I ever did. But, he rides with my friends, so I figure I'd chance it.
Glad I did. He's a really cool, fun guy and he's a very experienced rider. I was instantly comfortable on the back of his bike and we've been talking and getting to know each other since last Friday. For me, it's on a "just friends" basis. I think it is for him, too. Though, he has been trying to hang out with me every night since then. I think that's cute.
He gave me a ride to work this morning, and when he returns from his trip in a few weeks ... I'll get to go on a Saturday ride!! First time and I'm stoked! Turns, turns, turns!!
So much more to write about, but I need to get home ... later, readers.
Glad we're all still here for it.
Anyway, just after my last post, I have to tell you all that I met someone new. HAHA .... yeah. It's not like that, just friends, but it's pretty funny how we met.
Last Friday, the 21st was a bike night. Last one of the year. Though, the weather had been bad all week, so it was super iffy for the bike cruise. My friend that's in charge of the cruise had been away visiting family, but kept checking on the weather for our night. Text messages, fb messages, postings on the invite page were going back and forth, back and forth to see if the cruise was on or not. I, myself had not decided to ride until just a couple hours before the scheduled meet up. My ride hadn't been sure either until the night before, so we made a tentative plan to meet at his place in town, and then go from there.
Just as I was about to get ready, I check the invite page on fb again. CANCELLED! One of my friends in charge posted that the ride was off due to heavy winds and wet roads.
Aww ... But, wait! Just before that message, I had a comment posted on my "...is going" post. I read it and it's from a guy that I don't recall meeting at any of the bike nights. He asks when I was leaving ... like we were good, old friends. So, I reply "in about an hour." He seemed harmless and I thought I HAD met him before at one of the rides. SO, I get an instant message, and it's him. Let's call him J.
We chat for a bit, talking about how iffy the ride is and wondered if it was going on or not. So, right after it was cancelled, I get a text from my friend that cancelled the ride. "Some of us are still going to ride if you're down." I think, hell yeah! So, I tell J that it's on and we should get ready. I ask for a ride, since I found out that he lives about a minute away. He agrees and gives me directions to his house.
Now, I don't remember meeting this guy ... and I'm not even sure if I ever did. But, he rides with my friends, so I figure I'd chance it.
Glad I did. He's a really cool, fun guy and he's a very experienced rider. I was instantly comfortable on the back of his bike and we've been talking and getting to know each other since last Friday. For me, it's on a "just friends" basis. I think it is for him, too. Though, he has been trying to hang out with me every night since then. I think that's cute.
He gave me a ride to work this morning, and when he returns from his trip in a few weeks ... I'll get to go on a Saturday ride!! First time and I'm stoked! Turns, turns, turns!!
So much more to write about, but I need to get home ... later, readers.
Friday, December 21, 2012
Observations and ventilations ...
I've been noticing over the past few weeks all the new "couplings" that have been happening around me. Is it because of the holidays? Because we feel the need to cozy up to someone during this special time of the year?
I don't know what it is, but I am definitely NOT a part of these "couplings." Maybe that's why I'm noticing them so much. I mean, not ALL my friends are in couples, but it sure seems like A LOT of them are .... on fb. Fb is not my friend right now. Feelings of loneliness are setting in since I have no special guy in my life. So many friends' profile picture is of them and their significant other. Sigh.
Some, rather all, just don't realize how it affects some of us. I mean, I'm happy for those who have found someone to co-exist with. Just a little frustrating for me since I want that so bad. I'm trying not to dwell on this stuff and just enjoy my time with B, family and friends. And, if I just stay away from fb, I'll return to my normal, happy-go-lucky self. That's what I'll do.
The next 5 days are a mini vacation for me. Though, I'm not going anywhere, I'll be spending some good quality time with B. Friends and family, too. And, of course, it's Christmas next week, so it'll be a busy mini vacation!
So, I'll end here. There's been a lot on my mind in the past week, just no time to post them. I hope to get some writing done here over the next few days. Goodnight, readers ... xoxo
I don't know what it is, but I am definitely NOT a part of these "couplings." Maybe that's why I'm noticing them so much. I mean, not ALL my friends are in couples, but it sure seems like A LOT of them are .... on fb. Fb is not my friend right now. Feelings of loneliness are setting in since I have no special guy in my life. So many friends' profile picture is of them and their significant other. Sigh.
Some, rather all, just don't realize how it affects some of us. I mean, I'm happy for those who have found someone to co-exist with. Just a little frustrating for me since I want that so bad. I'm trying not to dwell on this stuff and just enjoy my time with B, family and friends. And, if I just stay away from fb, I'll return to my normal, happy-go-lucky self. That's what I'll do.
The next 5 days are a mini vacation for me. Though, I'm not going anywhere, I'll be spending some good quality time with B. Friends and family, too. And, of course, it's Christmas next week, so it'll be a busy mini vacation!
So, I'll end here. There's been a lot on my mind in the past week, just no time to post them. I hope to get some writing done here over the next few days. Goodnight, readers ... xoxo
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Another Sign ...
Updating some old files at work today, I come across a real estate transaction matter from a few years ago. I notice that the firm I used to work with was involved in this matter. I look at the dates and, yup, I was at the firm during that time.
And, at the same time, HE was there, too. I'm talking about the guy in my last post. So, I think, he probably reviewed a lot of these docs .... as well as I. I don't really remember this case, but it's passed through my hands a few times.
I know, it sounds crazy, but the signs are getting clearer and very hard to ignore. I'm thinking that if I sit back and observe, the signs will keep coming until I'm bothered so much that I need to take action.
But, it seems that fate is telling me something. Take the action? Make something happen? I know where he is, but it's just not in me to go over there, and start something. When we knew each other a few years ago, it would have been easy. But, it wasn't the right time. Now, I feel like fate is telling me our time might be coming. Sooner rather than later.
Great. Sigh. I don't know if I'm ready for this.
And, at the same time, HE was there, too. I'm talking about the guy in my last post. So, I think, he probably reviewed a lot of these docs .... as well as I. I don't really remember this case, but it's passed through my hands a few times.
I know, it sounds crazy, but the signs are getting clearer and very hard to ignore. I'm thinking that if I sit back and observe, the signs will keep coming until I'm bothered so much that I need to take action.
But, it seems that fate is telling me something. Take the action? Make something happen? I know where he is, but it's just not in me to go over there, and start something. When we knew each other a few years ago, it would have been easy. But, it wasn't the right time. Now, I feel like fate is telling me our time might be coming. Sooner rather than later.
Great. Sigh. I don't know if I'm ready for this.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Signs, thoughts and ramblings of my mind
I haven't thought about it in a very long time, but lately ... something, rather someone, has been on my mind more often than not.
No, I'm not talking about motorcycle guy. No ... someone I used to work with a few years ago. Since we both left the firm we were at, I've seen him a handful of times throughout the last couple years.
Now, one of my good friends works with him downtown. And, when she first started at that company, I had a thought that maybe he's supposed to be in my life ... still. She lets me know when she sees him around the nightlife in town and always invites me. But, I never go.
I never go. That was before. But, now ... curiosity is striking again, and I'm taking notice of signs pointing his way.
It couldn't come at a worse time. But, that's kind of the effect this guy has. When I'm finally getting comfortable with someone new, he pops up in my life. I thought I was over it ... I thought I had finally accepted the fact that I'll never know what it's like to be with him. But, in the last few weeks, there have been pretty clear signs that it isn't over yet. I've tried to ignore them, but this last sign makes me think that something with him is meant to be.
So, if he's really meant to be in my life, still, I can't just ignore it. There's nothing worse than wondering what might have happened if I had just given it, given him a chance.
In my book that I'm currently writing, the main male character is modeled after this guy. One of the reasons it's been hard for me to finish this book is because it takes me back to the days that he and I had subtly flirtatious fun. The days when I knew he wanted me. Now, when I do run into him, it's kind of amazing at how I feel the same vibes I felt when we knew each other on a daily basis.
Trying not to think about it too much, as I do have a lot on my mind at the moment. It's the holidays and there are many school activities with B, Christmas shopping and gift wrapping, coordinating projects and our Christmas luncheon at work AND, making time for a social life. It's all so complicated and hectic at this time of year. But, I wouldn't have it any other way. And, tomorrow, B and I will be heading out to Podium to watch some of the Moto Krew have some fun racing. I'm gonna bring my gear, but I don't plan on racing since I'll have B with me. Plus, I've never been so it will be nice to check it out for another racing experience.
I'll be back later with another post. More ramblings for another day ....
No, I'm not talking about motorcycle guy. No ... someone I used to work with a few years ago. Since we both left the firm we were at, I've seen him a handful of times throughout the last couple years.
Now, one of my good friends works with him downtown. And, when she first started at that company, I had a thought that maybe he's supposed to be in my life ... still. She lets me know when she sees him around the nightlife in town and always invites me. But, I never go.
I never go. That was before. But, now ... curiosity is striking again, and I'm taking notice of signs pointing his way.
It couldn't come at a worse time. But, that's kind of the effect this guy has. When I'm finally getting comfortable with someone new, he pops up in my life. I thought I was over it ... I thought I had finally accepted the fact that I'll never know what it's like to be with him. But, in the last few weeks, there have been pretty clear signs that it isn't over yet. I've tried to ignore them, but this last sign makes me think that something with him is meant to be.
So, if he's really meant to be in my life, still, I can't just ignore it. There's nothing worse than wondering what might have happened if I had just given it, given him a chance.
In my book that I'm currently writing, the main male character is modeled after this guy. One of the reasons it's been hard for me to finish this book is because it takes me back to the days that he and I had subtly flirtatious fun. The days when I knew he wanted me. Now, when I do run into him, it's kind of amazing at how I feel the same vibes I felt when we knew each other on a daily basis.
Trying not to think about it too much, as I do have a lot on my mind at the moment. It's the holidays and there are many school activities with B, Christmas shopping and gift wrapping, coordinating projects and our Christmas luncheon at work AND, making time for a social life. It's all so complicated and hectic at this time of year. But, I wouldn't have it any other way. And, tomorrow, B and I will be heading out to Podium to watch some of the Moto Krew have some fun racing. I'm gonna bring my gear, but I don't plan on racing since I'll have B with me. Plus, I've never been so it will be nice to check it out for another racing experience.
I'll be back later with another post. More ramblings for another day ....
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Tenchi, I miss you!
Browsing through my Hulu+ queue, I realized how much I miss the Japanese cartoon, Tenchi Muyo. The original. Hulu+ has a season of Tenchi, but it's one of the newer episodes. They look good, but it's making me miss watching the old Tenchi Muyo.
So, I am on the hunt to find the dvd collection. Sure, I bet I could find episodes on Youtube or something, but it's just not the same. I'd like to be able to throw on an episode whenever I want. Haven't checked Netflix yet, but even if it was on Netflix, I'd still like the dvd's.
I must be on a roll, because I found another anime cartoon that I love! Eureka Seven ... I remember watching this one years ago, late at night on cartoon network. This show always confuses me. I think it's because I've never seen it from the very beginning. I'd like to find the dvd set for this show, too.
It's Sunday and tonight is the mid-season finale on the Walking Dead. Excited! And, I may even get to watch it with C tonight. In person ... even better.
So, I am on the hunt to find the dvd collection. Sure, I bet I could find episodes on Youtube or something, but it's just not the same. I'd like to be able to throw on an episode whenever I want. Haven't checked Netflix yet, but even if it was on Netflix, I'd still like the dvd's.
I must be on a roll, because I found another anime cartoon that I love! Eureka Seven ... I remember watching this one years ago, late at night on cartoon network. This show always confuses me. I think it's because I've never seen it from the very beginning. I'd like to find the dvd set for this show, too.
It's Sunday and tonight is the mid-season finale on the Walking Dead. Excited! And, I may even get to watch it with C tonight. In person ... even better.
Friday, November 30, 2012
I LOVE my Starbucks!
It's Friday, so I decided to treat myself to a tall pumpkin spice latte at my favorite downtown Starbucks. It wasn't my favorite before, but after today, it most definitely is!
The baristas there are nicer than the other downtown locations, and the one on Alakea is closest to my office. I don't frequent this spot EVERY day, but I go in there once or twice a week. Some of them are starting to look familiar, especially the friendlier ones.
So, I go in this morning after my daily run to the post office, earbuds in and my white shades resting atop my head. It's casual Friday at work, so I'm in a dark blue pair of jeans and a long sleeve, light gray fitted top. A purple and beige scarf around my neck, silver hoops and necklace finish the outfit. I'm next in line when I notice the cute barista wave at me to let me know he's available to take my order. I walk over, pull out my earbuds and ask him, "can I get a tall pumpkin spice latte?" He's all smiles as he's punching it in and then I hear him mumble something with "cute" at the end. I say "I'm sorry?" and he repeats what he said ... "you are so friggin cute!" How flattering is that?? I smile and thank him for the compliment. And, he goes on. He mentions that the drink I ordered, while it sounds like a holiday beverage, it isn't. But, he proceeds to give me this holiday beverage card. Buy any 5 holiday drinks to fill in 5 stickers and get a 6th drink of my choice for free.
Score! Not just the card for holiday drinks that I'm gonna buy in the future, but he puts on 2 stickers. Talk about incentive for going back to get more yummy drinks AND get the hook up from cute barista guy.
It sure was a nice little day brightener, and I love little pick-me ups like that. But, I've actually had someone else on my mind all day. Can't wait for tonight since he'll be taking me out to dinner. Yay!!
Have a fun-filled, happy Friday, my readers!!
The baristas there are nicer than the other downtown locations, and the one on Alakea is closest to my office. I don't frequent this spot EVERY day, but I go in there once or twice a week. Some of them are starting to look familiar, especially the friendlier ones.
So, I go in this morning after my daily run to the post office, earbuds in and my white shades resting atop my head. It's casual Friday at work, so I'm in a dark blue pair of jeans and a long sleeve, light gray fitted top. A purple and beige scarf around my neck, silver hoops and necklace finish the outfit. I'm next in line when I notice the cute barista wave at me to let me know he's available to take my order. I walk over, pull out my earbuds and ask him, "can I get a tall pumpkin spice latte?" He's all smiles as he's punching it in and then I hear him mumble something with "cute" at the end. I say "I'm sorry?" and he repeats what he said ... "you are so friggin cute!" How flattering is that?? I smile and thank him for the compliment. And, he goes on. He mentions that the drink I ordered, while it sounds like a holiday beverage, it isn't. But, he proceeds to give me this holiday beverage card. Buy any 5 holiday drinks to fill in 5 stickers and get a 6th drink of my choice for free.
Score! Not just the card for holiday drinks that I'm gonna buy in the future, but he puts on 2 stickers. Talk about incentive for going back to get more yummy drinks AND get the hook up from cute barista guy.
It sure was a nice little day brightener, and I love little pick-me ups like that. But, I've actually had someone else on my mind all day. Can't wait for tonight since he'll be taking me out to dinner. Yay!!
Have a fun-filled, happy Friday, my readers!!
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Story Time, Cougar Style - Part 1
Another fun dating story for the blogs! This one, not so much bat-shit crazy as it is funny. To the point where it got really annoying. It's a long one, so I'll break it up into parts for the ADD kid in you. And, so we begin ...
I met this cougar (I know, it's a guy, but whatever), or as I like to call him, "Old Flakey Guy aka OFG" last September. Yet, another dating site was I on when this guy sends me a message responding to a date idea I had put up on my profile. At the time, he was 42 and to me, that seemed a little out of my dating range, but we messaged anyway.
Upon seeing his picture, I instantly knew that I was not attracted to him and that this would only amount to a friendship, if even that. For now, e-pals worked just fine. And, by just fine, I mean that I had no intention of meeting him in person. Well, right after messaging a few times, he gives me his number and practically pleads for me to call him. In his messages, he tried to portray himself as this humble and only willing to please type of guy. While, I thought he was a nice guy, as the messages went on, I started to feel he was only show-boating to win me over.
For example, when we had started texting, he would tell me about this girl or that girl whom had been bugging him all night, asking when they'll see each other again and how much she was in love with him. He'd even send me pictures of these women and forward me weird text messages he received from them. HELLO? I don't want to know this shit! And, I'd tell Ofg to go after this one or that one since they were so obviously into him. They were pretty and SO in love with him and it boggled my mind why he'd even bring these girls up. To make me jealous? Or fall for him? But, even before all of his show-boating started, the film festival was running its course at Dole and I had a few tickets for movies I had picked out.
Through the "getting to know you" process, movies and films had come up and I mentioned I'd be attending the film festival over the first weekend. He asked to "tag along" to my first movie. It was a Japanese romantic comedy and I was going by myself, so I figured, why not. So, on my way to Dole the next day, I get a text from him saying he can't make it because he's got to spend time with his bratty daughter (I'm not being mean, he spoils the crap out of her). I thought nothing of it as I had wanted to go on my own anyway.
The NEXT weekend, he asks if I need company to any films that I would be seeing at the festival. Again, I think, sure. I'll give this guy another chance. So, I give him the time of the film and tell him where to meet. But, I guess I should have known better since it was Saturday, again and his daughter wanted her dad day then instead of Sunday. That was fine, but, I did start teasing him and calling him a flake. He didn't like that ... so, we texted a little more, but it wasn't long until I thought to just let this go.
So, we stopped texting ... but, it doesn't end there. ...
I met this cougar (I know, it's a guy, but whatever), or as I like to call him, "Old Flakey Guy aka OFG" last September. Yet, another dating site was I on when this guy sends me a message responding to a date idea I had put up on my profile. At the time, he was 42 and to me, that seemed a little out of my dating range, but we messaged anyway.
Upon seeing his picture, I instantly knew that I was not attracted to him and that this would only amount to a friendship, if even that. For now, e-pals worked just fine. And, by just fine, I mean that I had no intention of meeting him in person. Well, right after messaging a few times, he gives me his number and practically pleads for me to call him. In his messages, he tried to portray himself as this humble and only willing to please type of guy. While, I thought he was a nice guy, as the messages went on, I started to feel he was only show-boating to win me over.
For example, when we had started texting, he would tell me about this girl or that girl whom had been bugging him all night, asking when they'll see each other again and how much she was in love with him. He'd even send me pictures of these women and forward me weird text messages he received from them. HELLO? I don't want to know this shit! And, I'd tell Ofg to go after this one or that one since they were so obviously into him. They were pretty and SO in love with him and it boggled my mind why he'd even bring these girls up. To make me jealous? Or fall for him? But, even before all of his show-boating started, the film festival was running its course at Dole and I had a few tickets for movies I had picked out.
Through the "getting to know you" process, movies and films had come up and I mentioned I'd be attending the film festival over the first weekend. He asked to "tag along" to my first movie. It was a Japanese romantic comedy and I was going by myself, so I figured, why not. So, on my way to Dole the next day, I get a text from him saying he can't make it because he's got to spend time with his bratty daughter (I'm not being mean, he spoils the crap out of her). I thought nothing of it as I had wanted to go on my own anyway.
The NEXT weekend, he asks if I need company to any films that I would be seeing at the festival. Again, I think, sure. I'll give this guy another chance. So, I give him the time of the film and tell him where to meet. But, I guess I should have known better since it was Saturday, again and his daughter wanted her dad day then instead of Sunday. That was fine, but, I did start teasing him and calling him a flake. He didn't like that ... so, we texted a little more, but it wasn't long until I thought to just let this go.
So, we stopped texting ... but, it doesn't end there. ...
We LOVE each other SO much!
No, I'm not talking about a guy ... I'm talking about my riding friends. On fb. We're crazy in love with each other. Yeah ... no joke.
It's been about three weeks now since I've been added to multiple conversations with a bunch of friends I ride with. Since these conversations are so random and never stop, I feel like I'm around them all the time. Someone is always talking about plans to do something, so we see each other a lot, too. It's hilarious. They're crazy, sick, SICK people. But, I love them.
Most of the time, I don't really pay attention to the conversation at all during my work day. I'll peek in here and there, but don't chime in much. Not unless I really have something to say.
But, it's on-going. And, it makes me laugh. Also makes me wonder ... wft do these people do all day?!? I mean, if they're at work, at school or just wasting time at home. I don't know, but it makes for great entertainment.
There is one thing that kind of bothers me. It sorta sucks because some of the girls in this group are only around because they're sleeping with one of the guys. They bring around their trashy friends, and, guys will be guys. Like a moth to a flame ... Anyway, these girls seem interested in the bikes, but you can't really claim your staking ground unless you own a bike yourself. I learned about this through one of my new girl friends who was brought into the group the same way I was ... through a mutual friend. Only, she had a physical relationship with him whereas I did not. Gross .. dude is like the male version of me. Hahaha!
Anyhoo, before I met my friend, I met her cousin at a bike night back in June. She was dating/hanging out with one of the guys that is a part of the group and is on this never-ending conversation on fb. The guy is a cutie, and definitely stood out from the first bike night I went on. But, he was with her, so I looked no further.
After a while, I noticed she wasn't coming out with us anymore, and I wondered why. Not too much wonder, cause I started to see that he was noticing me. I thought, alright, maybe we'll hang more. So, we start talking and texting ... still haven't gone a ride with him, though he tells me we will. He's invited me out a lot, but I can never seem to hook up with him. And, I think the reason is because of what he said to my friends' cousin. It really made me think about dating within your realm of friends.
I like these people ... and I don't want one stupid little fling to ruin the connections I've started to make with them.
So, anyway, you're probably wondering, wft did he say?? Well, one night while we were out, my girl friend and I were talking and her cousin came up. She says that the guy told her that she can't hang out with his friends anymore, or go on any of the rides ... since they weren't going to be dating. That took me a few leaps back. Though nothing had transpired between me and this guy, I was thankful to be privy to this information at the time. It opened my eyes and made me realize that getting involved with any of them would mean disaster.
In the end, I feel kind of bad for these girls who are involved with some of the guys. As soon as they're done, these girls are considered outcasts. Unless they man-up and get a bike of their own. One girl did it, and she is amazing! I love that she's my friend.
Well, that came out longer than I had planned. Stay tuned ... I have another dating story from the past year that's gonna rock you. Or, at the very least, make you laugh.
But, right now ... it's lunch time.
It's been about three weeks now since I've been added to multiple conversations with a bunch of friends I ride with. Since these conversations are so random and never stop, I feel like I'm around them all the time. Someone is always talking about plans to do something, so we see each other a lot, too. It's hilarious. They're crazy, sick, SICK people. But, I love them.
Most of the time, I don't really pay attention to the conversation at all during my work day. I'll peek in here and there, but don't chime in much. Not unless I really have something to say.
But, it's on-going. And, it makes me laugh. Also makes me wonder ... wft do these people do all day?!? I mean, if they're at work, at school or just wasting time at home. I don't know, but it makes for great entertainment.
There is one thing that kind of bothers me. It sorta sucks because some of the girls in this group are only around because they're sleeping with one of the guys. They bring around their trashy friends, and, guys will be guys. Like a moth to a flame ... Anyway, these girls seem interested in the bikes, but you can't really claim your staking ground unless you own a bike yourself. I learned about this through one of my new girl friends who was brought into the group the same way I was ... through a mutual friend. Only, she had a physical relationship with him whereas I did not. Gross .. dude is like the male version of me. Hahaha!
Anyhoo, before I met my friend, I met her cousin at a bike night back in June. She was dating/hanging out with one of the guys that is a part of the group and is on this never-ending conversation on fb. The guy is a cutie, and definitely stood out from the first bike night I went on. But, he was with her, so I looked no further.
After a while, I noticed she wasn't coming out with us anymore, and I wondered why. Not too much wonder, cause I started to see that he was noticing me. I thought, alright, maybe we'll hang more. So, we start talking and texting ... still haven't gone a ride with him, though he tells me we will. He's invited me out a lot, but I can never seem to hook up with him. And, I think the reason is because of what he said to my friends' cousin. It really made me think about dating within your realm of friends.
I like these people ... and I don't want one stupid little fling to ruin the connections I've started to make with them.
So, anyway, you're probably wondering, wft did he say?? Well, one night while we were out, my girl friend and I were talking and her cousin came up. She says that the guy told her that she can't hang out with his friends anymore, or go on any of the rides ... since they weren't going to be dating. That took me a few leaps back. Though nothing had transpired between me and this guy, I was thankful to be privy to this information at the time. It opened my eyes and made me realize that getting involved with any of them would mean disaster.
In the end, I feel kind of bad for these girls who are involved with some of the guys. As soon as they're done, these girls are considered outcasts. Unless they man-up and get a bike of their own. One girl did it, and she is amazing! I love that she's my friend.
Well, that came out longer than I had planned. Stay tuned ... I have another dating story from the past year that's gonna rock you. Or, at the very least, make you laugh.
But, right now ... it's lunch time.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Glimpse of a dream
Tonight, I went riding with a friend after work. He picked me up and we headed out to Kona Brewery for some grub.
I say glimpse of a dream because, tonight's ride felt really good. This is the first time he's taken me out on his bike, but we've known each other for a while now, and it was comfortable from the start.
Now, this friend I met online. There's a bit of attraction there, definitely, but we're just friends who flirt occasionally. And, tonight was no different. I already know that he wants to explore something more with me, but we both were on very good behavior in each other's presence.
If he weren't so young, I'd consider something more with this guy. Because we're both very into motorcycles and he's fun to be around. We get along great and he doesn't exactly hurt on the eyes.
So, back to tonight's ride.... There was a moment while at a stop entering Waikiki that reminded me of that picture back in my "Dream" post. The ride was a playful one, but at this stop, he looked back at me, and I tilted my head to look at him ... and then the playful helmet-buts ensued. Haha ... it was nice to get a glimpse of my dream in real life. The whole time on the bike, it felt like we could be this dream couple. But, it will remain a dream for a while. And, I'm okay with that.
He and I are supposed to hit up the next bike night together, but in the mean time, another ride during the day has been discussed. That will be an enjoyable one since I don't ride much in the day time.
Now, it's time to watch another episode of Archer, via text, with my new friend ... let's call him C.
Good night, readers ....
I say glimpse of a dream because, tonight's ride felt really good. This is the first time he's taken me out on his bike, but we've known each other for a while now, and it was comfortable from the start.
Now, this friend I met online. There's a bit of attraction there, definitely, but we're just friends who flirt occasionally. And, tonight was no different. I already know that he wants to explore something more with me, but we both were on very good behavior in each other's presence.
If he weren't so young, I'd consider something more with this guy. Because we're both very into motorcycles and he's fun to be around. We get along great and he doesn't exactly hurt on the eyes.
So, back to tonight's ride.... There was a moment while at a stop entering Waikiki that reminded me of that picture back in my "Dream" post. The ride was a playful one, but at this stop, he looked back at me, and I tilted my head to look at him ... and then the playful helmet-buts ensued. Haha ... it was nice to get a glimpse of my dream in real life. The whole time on the bike, it felt like we could be this dream couple. But, it will remain a dream for a while. And, I'm okay with that.
He and I are supposed to hit up the next bike night together, but in the mean time, another ride during the day has been discussed. That will be an enjoyable one since I don't ride much in the day time.
Now, it's time to watch another episode of Archer, via text, with my new friend ... let's call him C.
Good night, readers ....
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Confusing use of time ....
The title is kind of fitting for the moment. Confused and a little conflicted right about now. And, I'm listening to the song by 311 ...
So, I am on a hiatus from dating. And, I am fine with it. But, it can be hard sometimes. There is someone that I want to date ... yet, I know I need to take it slow. For one, I'm not entirely ready to put my whole self into exclusively being with someone. Even though, I really want to.
Until I'm ready .... really ready, I'm going to randomly spit my feelings out on my blog for you all to read. Here is where practicing the art of patience HAS to come in.
Just breathe .... I think it's time to get back to finishing my book. I'm feeling some good, creative energy after stamping out this post.
Goodnight, readers ....xoxo
So, I am on a hiatus from dating. And, I am fine with it. But, it can be hard sometimes. There is someone that I want to date ... yet, I know I need to take it slow. For one, I'm not entirely ready to put my whole self into exclusively being with someone. Even though, I really want to.
Until I'm ready .... really ready, I'm going to randomly spit my feelings out on my blog for you all to read. Here is where practicing the art of patience HAS to come in.
Just breathe .... I think it's time to get back to finishing my book. I'm feeling some good, creative energy after stamping out this post.
Goodnight, readers ....xoxo
Monday, November 12, 2012
Oh Weekend, please don't go....
Yes, it's Sunday and no, I'm not off tomorrow. But, it's been a great weekend!
Friday FINALLY came after the longest week at work. Ever. When that clock hit 5:00 pm, I was officially on weekend time.
Started the night off meeting my ride and some friends then heading up to Pearlridge where we got some food before heading out on the cruise. It was a fun ride out to Hawaii Kai and Sandy's until we ended up at the Shack for some ice cold beer and shenanigans.
Saturday, took B to see Wreck It Ralph with M and we ended up spending the entire day at the mall. It was a nice family day! That night after putting little B to bed, I joined M and Big B at Kelley's to see them rock the place! It was a really good time. And, I also got to meet a friend that I've been talking with for a few weeks now. He and I got to talk a bit in person, and I have to say that it was very nice.
Today, it was a gorgeous and lazy day at home. Chores here and there, and vegging on the couch. A new episode of The Walking Dead was on at 8 and I was ready! Like last Sunday, I watched it tonight, via text, with my new guy friend (that I met last night). I thought it was kind of cute, considering last Sunday we watched together at 7, and tonight, I told him I wasn't going to watch until 8. So, he waited for me to watch it with him. Cute.
But, now it is time for bed. Still need to catch up on sleep after coming in at almost 5am this morning. The life of a rockstar .... don't think I could handle too much for very long. Haha .... night, readers!
Friday FINALLY came after the longest week at work. Ever. When that clock hit 5:00 pm, I was officially on weekend time.
Started the night off meeting my ride and some friends then heading up to Pearlridge where we got some food before heading out on the cruise. It was a fun ride out to Hawaii Kai and Sandy's until we ended up at the Shack for some ice cold beer and shenanigans.
Saturday, took B to see Wreck It Ralph with M and we ended up spending the entire day at the mall. It was a nice family day! That night after putting little B to bed, I joined M and Big B at Kelley's to see them rock the place! It was a really good time. And, I also got to meet a friend that I've been talking with for a few weeks now. He and I got to talk a bit in person, and I have to say that it was very nice.
Today, it was a gorgeous and lazy day at home. Chores here and there, and vegging on the couch. A new episode of The Walking Dead was on at 8 and I was ready! Like last Sunday, I watched it tonight, via text, with my new guy friend (that I met last night). I thought it was kind of cute, considering last Sunday we watched together at 7, and tonight, I told him I wasn't going to watch until 8. So, he waited for me to watch it with him. Cute.
But, now it is time for bed. Still need to catch up on sleep after coming in at almost 5am this morning. The life of a rockstar .... don't think I could handle too much for very long. Haha .... night, readers!
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
I just had a little chat with one of my friends that recently got her first motorcycle, a jet black Honda CBR600rr. Beautiful. So Jel, but SO INSPIRED!! Inspired because, for one thing, she's a chick and I really dig chicks that ride, and at the time of her purchase (which was a steal on craigslist; and it wasn't a piece of crap), she didn't know how to ride!!
Though, I did want to be able to ride my bike off the lot, or wherever it's going to come from, it's very possible for me to save, save, save and get my bike as soon as I can! I have a few friends that will teach me to ride, so I'm not worried about that part.
There I go again .... letting my head float away with the exciting possibilities. It's always good to have dreams, rather goals, right?
I just had to share my enthusiasm. Continue on with your day, readers!
Though, I did want to be able to ride my bike off the lot, or wherever it's going to come from, it's very possible for me to save, save, save and get my bike as soon as I can! I have a few friends that will teach me to ride, so I'm not worried about that part.
There I go again .... letting my head float away with the exciting possibilities. It's always good to have dreams, rather goals, right?
I just had to share my enthusiasm. Continue on with your day, readers!
Monday, October 29, 2012
Halloween weekend ... a BUST!
That's right, readers. It was a bust! Saturday night, everything got shut down because of a tsunami watch for the Hawaiian Islands. Canada's earthquake generated a scare here in the islands and people were freaking out.
B and I had been out and about all day with M, so around 8pm, when I tried to fill gas, the lines were just ridiculous! Sirens were going off, and so was my phone. Text messages, phone calls and tango calls to warn us (if we didn't already know) that there was a tsunami watch for the islands and to get to high ground.
Before the gas station/super market frenzy started, we were having a great day. B and I met M at Ruby's for lunch and a small shopping venture at the mall. Then, M surprised me with babysitters while we caught an early showing of Silent Hill: Revelations. That was a nice surprise since I was dying to see it in the first weekend it was out. It was just as creepy as the first one and I loved it!
After the movie, we grabbed some McD's before picking up B from his parents place. It was when we got to their house that the sirens started sounding. I remember them being louder ... but, B was still freaked out by them. If you've never seen Silent Hill, you won't get this, but I thought it was so ironic that right after we caught that creepy-ass movie, emergency sirens all over the island start going off! Crazy! It really felt like the darkness was coming.
Other than that, the weekend was pretty relaxing. Sunday, we went back to church after missing the last few months. It was nice ...
Today has been non-stop since I came in. Plus, we had our boss' day lunch which was nice, too. Yummy Hawaiian food! Now, it's just about the end of my day and I am sucking down hot green tea with honey. I feel a bug coming on. But, I won't let it get me ... must flush it out!!
One more thing ... to all those affected by hurricane Sandy, you are in my prayers.
Good night, readers.
B and I had been out and about all day with M, so around 8pm, when I tried to fill gas, the lines were just ridiculous! Sirens were going off, and so was my phone. Text messages, phone calls and tango calls to warn us (if we didn't already know) that there was a tsunami watch for the islands and to get to high ground.
Before the gas station/super market frenzy started, we were having a great day. B and I met M at Ruby's for lunch and a small shopping venture at the mall. Then, M surprised me with babysitters while we caught an early showing of Silent Hill: Revelations. That was a nice surprise since I was dying to see it in the first weekend it was out. It was just as creepy as the first one and I loved it!
After the movie, we grabbed some McD's before picking up B from his parents place. It was when we got to their house that the sirens started sounding. I remember them being louder ... but, B was still freaked out by them. If you've never seen Silent Hill, you won't get this, but I thought it was so ironic that right after we caught that creepy-ass movie, emergency sirens all over the island start going off! Crazy! It really felt like the darkness was coming.
Other than that, the weekend was pretty relaxing. Sunday, we went back to church after missing the last few months. It was nice ...
Today has been non-stop since I came in. Plus, we had our boss' day lunch which was nice, too. Yummy Hawaiian food! Now, it's just about the end of my day and I am sucking down hot green tea with honey. I feel a bug coming on. But, I won't let it get me ... must flush it out!!
One more thing ... to all those affected by hurricane Sandy, you are in my prayers.
Good night, readers.
Friday, October 26, 2012
You sent me WHAT??
So, the other night, I was on that dating site checking messages (no, not looking for dates) when I came across this one from a pretty cute guy that seemed mellow. Looked like we had a lot in common, so I thought it would be nice to talk and share some dating war stories. We messaged each other a few times before he gives me his number to text.
Red flag. Red flag because I told myself I wouldn't accept anyone's or give out my cell number anymore. It just seemed too soon to start getting that personal. My gut was so right on this.
Anyway, we start texting and as soon as we get passed the greeting pleasantries, he starts pressuring me for pictures. He sends me a few of him, no shirt, of course ... to show off his ripped upper bod. I didn't ask, he just sent them, sort of like "I showed you mine, now show me yours." Man, I really hate guys who are so forward like this. So, I sent him a clean one of me. Nothing dirty. Then, he starts pressuring me for naughty pictures. I mean, come on! We JUST met. His excuse was that he likes sex and there's no use dancing around the subject. I guess that could be true, but I don't dig guys that have no tact and are just too blunt. I can already see why this guy is single.
At this point, I'm starting to get irritated, but I try to be nice and move off the subject. But, the more I tried, the more he pressed. AND THEN, I get an MMS download. I think, another picture of this guy to convey that not only is he vain, but annoying about making me see that he IS the one for me. Ugh. So, I open the message and, there it is in all of its naked glory ... his JUNK! I HAD to laugh! He captioned it 'now that that's out of the way, we can move on'. I mean, WTF? Who does that?!?
Needless to say, the conversation was pretty much over after that. He tried pressing me harder for a return picture of my naughty self, but there was absolutely no way that was gonna happen.
Haven't texted that guy since. What a weirdo. But, if any of you ladies are interested in seeing this guy's package, email me. I'll give his info, too, in case you want to contact him.
Now, how's that for weird?? HAHAHA! Have a super awesome Friday, readers!
Red flag. Red flag because I told myself I wouldn't accept anyone's or give out my cell number anymore. It just seemed too soon to start getting that personal. My gut was so right on this.
Anyway, we start texting and as soon as we get passed the greeting pleasantries, he starts pressuring me for pictures. He sends me a few of him, no shirt, of course ... to show off his ripped upper bod. I didn't ask, he just sent them, sort of like "I showed you mine, now show me yours." Man, I really hate guys who are so forward like this. So, I sent him a clean one of me. Nothing dirty. Then, he starts pressuring me for naughty pictures. I mean, come on! We JUST met. His excuse was that he likes sex and there's no use dancing around the subject. I guess that could be true, but I don't dig guys that have no tact and are just too blunt. I can already see why this guy is single.
At this point, I'm starting to get irritated, but I try to be nice and move off the subject. But, the more I tried, the more he pressed. AND THEN, I get an MMS download. I think, another picture of this guy to convey that not only is he vain, but annoying about making me see that he IS the one for me. Ugh. So, I open the message and, there it is in all of its naked glory ... his JUNK! I HAD to laugh! He captioned it 'now that that's out of the way, we can move on'. I mean, WTF? Who does that?!?
Needless to say, the conversation was pretty much over after that. He tried pressing me harder for a return picture of my naughty self, but there was absolutely no way that was gonna happen.
Haven't texted that guy since. What a weirdo. But, if any of you ladies are interested in seeing this guy's package, email me. I'll give his info, too, in case you want to contact him.
Now, how's that for weird?? HAHAHA! Have a super awesome Friday, readers!
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Dream ...
I'm a motorcycle girl ... and I want a motorcycle guy. Sigh. Is it too much to ask for? I guess, right now it is.
There's this picture that one of my riding friends posted on her wall this morning. As I looked at it, I couldn't help but think that I want that in my guy. Whomever he is. I want us to share in the love of motorcycles as well as in the love of us, you know?
Anyway, this is the picture I was referring to ....
I think the cosmos are all out of line for this at the moment. I'm in a place of organization and, unfortunately, getting my bike and learning to ride is way at the bottom of the priority totem pole.
Not saying it's not my passion anymore, it most definitely is. But, I have other things to take care of first. Work now, play later.
So, until the divorce goes through and I get a couple other things out of the way, my dream of finding someone to enjoy this sport with me will have to wait. I guess it will teach me some much needed patience. I am always practicing the art of patience, and it isn't always easy. But, I try.
Tomorrow is bike night and I am missing it, yet again. For a good reason, though. M and I will be attending B's first pumpkin carving night at her school. We need to bring our own pumpkin to carve, but the school will be serving pizza for dinner. B is very excited!
On Saturday night, my friends are doing a first ever, costume ride. This should be interesting as I had a hard time coming up with a biker-friendly costume. Finally decided on one a few nights ago. It shouldn't be too hard putting this costume together ....
Yup, that's the chick from the 'Gangnam Style' video. I'm gonna be her. I learned the dance and everything! Don't really care if I look ridiculous doing the dance all over the place (which I will be), I'll be having fun.
My actual costume for Halloween is kind of still up in the air. If I can get to the fabric store in the next few days, I might be able to pull off "Athena" from Immortals. I don't know though .... the hardest part of that costume is her headdress. Although, I am especially great with doing headdresses, I don't think I'll have the time to get this one looking and fitting perfectly.
So, I still have my back up plan .... "Nefetiri" from the Mummy Returns. I have done several of Nefertiri's costumes in that movie and used the headdress/mask that I made to go with each costume. The mask always scares the living crap out of people. I absolutely love it! Wore it to work last Halloween and freaked everyone out every time I got into the elevator. It was great.
I'll try to dedicate a post just to Halloween and all the costumes I've done over the years. It's one of my favorite holidays and, up until B was born, I made my elaborate costumes and, M and I dressed up every year. After B, it was pretty much all about her. Other than taking her trick-or-treating around our neighborhood, we really don't do any fun adult Halloween stuff like going to Waikiki or the Crazy, Sexy, Ghoul ultimate Halloween costume party. Haha, so this costume ride on Saturday should be a good time ... different, anyway.
I think I'll wrap this post up here. Forgot how I love using pictures in my postings ... I'll try to do that more! Happy-almost-the-end-of-the-work-day!!
There's this picture that one of my riding friends posted on her wall this morning. As I looked at it, I couldn't help but think that I want that in my guy. Whomever he is. I want us to share in the love of motorcycles as well as in the love of us, you know?
Anyway, this is the picture I was referring to ....
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Posted on Facebook - not sure where it's from. |
Not saying it's not my passion anymore, it most definitely is. But, I have other things to take care of first. Work now, play later.
So, until the divorce goes through and I get a couple other things out of the way, my dream of finding someone to enjoy this sport with me will have to wait. I guess it will teach me some much needed patience. I am always practicing the art of patience, and it isn't always easy. But, I try.
Tomorrow is bike night and I am missing it, yet again. For a good reason, though. M and I will be attending B's first pumpkin carving night at her school. We need to bring our own pumpkin to carve, but the school will be serving pizza for dinner. B is very excited!
On Saturday night, my friends are doing a first ever, costume ride. This should be interesting as I had a hard time coming up with a biker-friendly costume. Finally decided on one a few nights ago. It shouldn't be too hard putting this costume together ....
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credit to en.korea.com |
My actual costume for Halloween is kind of still up in the air. If I can get to the fabric store in the next few days, I might be able to pull off "Athena" from Immortals. I don't know though .... the hardest part of that costume is her headdress. Although, I am especially great with doing headdresses, I don't think I'll have the time to get this one looking and fitting perfectly.
So, I still have my back up plan .... "Nefetiri" from the Mummy Returns. I have done several of Nefertiri's costumes in that movie and used the headdress/mask that I made to go with each costume. The mask always scares the living crap out of people. I absolutely love it! Wore it to work last Halloween and freaked everyone out every time I got into the elevator. It was great.
I'll try to dedicate a post just to Halloween and all the costumes I've done over the years. It's one of my favorite holidays and, up until B was born, I made my elaborate costumes and, M and I dressed up every year. After B, it was pretty much all about her. Other than taking her trick-or-treating around our neighborhood, we really don't do any fun adult Halloween stuff like going to Waikiki or the Crazy, Sexy, Ghoul ultimate Halloween costume party. Haha, so this costume ride on Saturday should be a good time ... different, anyway.
I think I'll wrap this post up here. Forgot how I love using pictures in my postings ... I'll try to do that more! Happy-almost-the-end-of-the-work-day!!
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Do we really care? No ....
Time for another facebook newsfeed rant .... Just a warning: the bitch is coming out on this post.
This rant is dedicated to a certain "friend" on fb. She is SO annoying with her pictures and status updates.
So, this fb friend must be in a new relationship because a few months ago, all her posts included her then-bf, whom I thought was an asshat to begin with. He hated people taking pictures of him and he was totally against fb. If there was a picture posted that he was in, he would tell that person who posted to take it down. He didn't even like his own gf posting about him or pictures of the two of them. He would get mad at her and make her remove them. Real jerkface.
Anyway, this fb friend obviously LOVES posting about everything and anything she is doing with her current beau. Annoys the shit out of me. I mean, yes I can be happy for the fact that she is in a relationship and it seems all peachy-keen. But, it's to the point where she's rubbing it in everyone's face. And, it's like COME ON! Who gives a flying crap about you and your ugly bf?! Yeah, I said it. Not to be totally mean, he just isn't my type. Anyhoo, together they are an annoying pair and I wish they'd get off my newsfeed.
Oh wait, I can BLOCK them. HOORAY for the 'block' feature on fb. Phew! End rant.
This rant is dedicated to a certain "friend" on fb. She is SO annoying with her pictures and status updates.
So, this fb friend must be in a new relationship because a few months ago, all her posts included her then-bf, whom I thought was an asshat to begin with. He hated people taking pictures of him and he was totally against fb. If there was a picture posted that he was in, he would tell that person who posted to take it down. He didn't even like his own gf posting about him or pictures of the two of them. He would get mad at her and make her remove them. Real jerkface.
Anyway, this fb friend obviously LOVES posting about everything and anything she is doing with her current beau. Annoys the shit out of me. I mean, yes I can be happy for the fact that she is in a relationship and it seems all peachy-keen. But, it's to the point where she's rubbing it in everyone's face. And, it's like COME ON! Who gives a flying crap about you and your ugly bf?! Yeah, I said it. Not to be totally mean, he just isn't my type. Anyhoo, together they are an annoying pair and I wish they'd get off my newsfeed.
Oh wait, I can BLOCK them. HOORAY for the 'block' feature on fb. Phew! End rant.
Once, twice, but not a third time.
After analyzing the short time New M and I had been hanging out, I've come to realize that I dated a guy like this before. Scary Airman guy back in November/December of 2011. (see my post back in March - Story time .... this one's a doozy)
It still baffles me how New M was so interested in me when we met and in a matter of a few short weeks, his interests changed. Like SAG (Scary Airman Guy), he was texting me everyday saying how he couldn't wait to meet. And, after the first meeting, dude was ALL about how he couldn't wait to see me again. Telling me all kinds of stuff like, wanting to reach over the table, kiss me and then hold me all night long. And, calling me 'his girl' and saying things like, OH, I don't know ... I LOVE YOU. That shit messed with my head ... and my heart, most definitely.
But, now that I think about it, his behavior was very unstable from the very beginning.
It's been a week since we called it quits and I am glad it's over. At first, it hurt, but I think I was stuck on the first few weeks of us. I could feel a change after I came back from Maui, so I wasn't all that surprised. The details don't matter, just happy to be rid of the guy. Can't even be friends with him as he is too random with the shit he says and how he says it. Contemplating uploading his picture to my blog with a warning sign to girls everywhere: Stay away from this unstable liar of a man.
Actually had a thought last night to upload pictures of ALL the jerks I've dealt with in the last year. With a warning to girls, of course. But, I'm not that mean. Some of them even read my blog. Yeah, you know who you are ....
Stay tuned ... I've got more.
It still baffles me how New M was so interested in me when we met and in a matter of a few short weeks, his interests changed. Like SAG (Scary Airman Guy), he was texting me everyday saying how he couldn't wait to meet. And, after the first meeting, dude was ALL about how he couldn't wait to see me again. Telling me all kinds of stuff like, wanting to reach over the table, kiss me and then hold me all night long. And, calling me 'his girl' and saying things like, OH, I don't know ... I LOVE YOU. That shit messed with my head ... and my heart, most definitely.
But, now that I think about it, his behavior was very unstable from the very beginning.
It's been a week since we called it quits and I am glad it's over. At first, it hurt, but I think I was stuck on the first few weeks of us. I could feel a change after I came back from Maui, so I wasn't all that surprised. The details don't matter, just happy to be rid of the guy. Can't even be friends with him as he is too random with the shit he says and how he says it. Contemplating uploading his picture to my blog with a warning sign to girls everywhere: Stay away from this unstable liar of a man.
Actually had a thought last night to upload pictures of ALL the jerks I've dealt with in the last year. With a warning to girls, of course. But, I'm not that mean. Some of them even read my blog. Yeah, you know who you are ....
Stay tuned ... I've got more.
Weekend Post ... Gangnam style
Hah! No, not really Gangnam style. I just heard that song for the first time on Friday. Hilarious ... and catchy! I must learn this dance.
So, this weekend was a really good one. It started off on Friday when I picked up M from work. I mentioned something about "gangnam style" and he immediately looked the video up on Youtube since I had no idea what that was. Cracking up in the car all the way home.
We get to my house and got B ready for the movie. "Hotel Transylvania" was so funny! I definitely enjoyed it just as much as B did. And, then on Saturday, we had a late lunch with M at Ruby's where he brought a felt poster to be colored. A bunch of the servers at the restaurant we're friends with, so they'd come by and hang out for a bit to color with B. Here's the end result ....
We spent about three hours there in the booth just eating, talking story and coloring this beautiful dragon. B did most of it with our touch-ups here and there. We'll go back there again with a new felt poster as B loves to have her aunties and uncles help her color!
That night, M watched B so that I could go and catch my movie at the film festival. It sold out, but that's alright. My friend and I went over to Tanaka Saimin where we got to talk and eat some good food. After that, we caught some live entertainment at Gordon Biersch. On our way there, we ran into some of my riding buddies going to check out the haunted house. It was my friend that I was sort of interested in about a month ago. And, it looks like he and the girl he told me about are getting more serious. Sigh. I mean, that's great and I'm happy for them. But, it kind of sucks because those two got together when New M and I did. New M and I are nothing now and they're becoming more of "something" together.
Anyway, My friend and I hung out for a bit, watching the band and chatting here and there. And, then another one of my riding buddies comes by and chats for a while with us. Aloha tower was just the place to be on Saturday night. But, time was marching on and I had to get to picking up one of my girls. So, K drove me back to dole where I had parked my car, and then I went on my way.
Pearl wasn't all the crowded when we got there. My friend was nowhere in sight and she hadn't reserved a table for her party, SO we didn't see her. But, we still had a blast with our drinks and blowing off steam on the dance floor. As expected, my girls got hit on a few times while we were there, and I simply love that! I did, too but I'm not so vain that I have to go into detail about it. I just wanted to have a great time with them, and I did.
After Pearl, we hit Kelley's where some more riding friends were chillin. Ended up closing out the night there. It was great to just relax and chat with everyone .... old friends as well as some new ones. My friends' band had been playing in the background and all was well at 2 in the morning. I did, however, meet someone. He's young, probably too young for me, but he sat next to me and introduced himself. Very cute white guy ... and in the military. Go figure. We talked for a while, but no numbers were exchanged. Just names for facebook friends. I don't know if he's searched me on facebook ... he may have changed his mind since I gave him my blog address. Hahaha .... anyway, it was a good time and if I never hear from this guy, it's no loss.
Sunday was a little challenging with very little sleep the night before and having to stay alert for my twin nieces birthday party. I, for one, was so glad it was at my Grandpa's house since there were plenty of couches and beds to just chill and take a break on. I absolutely loved it, though. Just being with my family, and even the extended family always fills my heart. It's times like this when I wish I had someone special to share it with. But, I'm not gonna think about that or go into it right now.
My nieces are just darling little ones! B and their other cousin, L had a blast with them. They did arts and crafts, played games, watched Winnie the Pooh and even played some water games outside where the twins ended up IN the water buckets having the time of their lives.
So, that's the weekend post! I hope everyone is having a great week so far.... xoxo
Monday, October 22, 2012
It's just a little torture ...
Sometimes, I wonder why I do it to myself. The torture of watching some of my favorite shows. I have the morning off, so I decided to catch up on one of my shows. Absolutely love hulu plus for that.
"Parenthood" is what I am watching and it's been a while since I've caught up on this show. Apparently, two whole seasons have been on tv and I had no idea. I remember this show to be very real to life. Very sad and depressing. I don't know if its because I can relate to things that happen in the different episodes, or if I just like to be in pain. Sometimes ... sometimes.
Currently thinking about some of my latest mistakes. And, needing to get ready for work. I will be back later with the weekend post....
"Parenthood" is what I am watching and it's been a while since I've caught up on this show. Apparently, two whole seasons have been on tv and I had no idea. I remember this show to be very real to life. Very sad and depressing. I don't know if its because I can relate to things that happen in the different episodes, or if I just like to be in pain. Sometimes ... sometimes.
Currently thinking about some of my latest mistakes. And, needing to get ready for work. I will be back later with the weekend post....
Friday, October 19, 2012
Speaking of ....
Facebook updates. Yeah ... I will admit that I have been so guilty of the daily updates lately. Some of you who are my facebook friends will notice that I'm logged in all day a few times a week.
That is because when my office upgraded our computers and our system, all the sites that were blocked with the old system were again free for browsing. Soooo ... I've been logging on to facebook more often, looking up videos on youtube and so on. Plus, my galaxy S3 lets me surf the net all I want, so when I'm not at my computer, I'm logged in via mobile. Sigh.
It's just too much fun right now.
In other thoughts, my latest post on fb comes from randomly seeing a friends' status update. She, I noticed, is STILL friends with some guy I dated almost two years ago. Talk about lazy .. or just wanting to keep her fb friends number up. Geez.
Anyway, this guy that she befriended because I dated him wasn't around all that long. We knew each other for a total of four months and dated for two of those months. Long story short, this guy was NEEDY beyond belief. Wasn't my type at all, but I was starting to get out more and give dating a try. So, I gave it a go with him since he was very into me and we had a lot in common. I won't go into detail now since this guy is another post all on his own.
So, I see my friends' post just now and notice this guy "liked" it and made a comment. I thought, What?? She's still friends with him? Oh man .... So, I click on his name and I see that his profile picture is of himself and a cute asian girl. Must be the new girlfriend. Poor thing. He's got a house-full of kids all on his own and when he was with me, he was looking for a new "mommy for his young ones." Talk about pressure, AND scary to boot! I shudder every time I think about it. I haven't posted that story yet because it still gives me nightmares. Though, it's a rather entertaining story that leads into another, and I'll write about it eventually.
Now, I'm counting down the minutes until my weekend starts. Just fifteen more to go. Have a great Friday, readers!
That is because when my office upgraded our computers and our system, all the sites that were blocked with the old system were again free for browsing. Soooo ... I've been logging on to facebook more often, looking up videos on youtube and so on. Plus, my galaxy S3 lets me surf the net all I want, so when I'm not at my computer, I'm logged in via mobile. Sigh.
It's just too much fun right now.
In other thoughts, my latest post on fb comes from randomly seeing a friends' status update. She, I noticed, is STILL friends with some guy I dated almost two years ago. Talk about lazy .. or just wanting to keep her fb friends number up. Geez.
Anyway, this guy that she befriended because I dated him wasn't around all that long. We knew each other for a total of four months and dated for two of those months. Long story short, this guy was NEEDY beyond belief. Wasn't my type at all, but I was starting to get out more and give dating a try. So, I gave it a go with him since he was very into me and we had a lot in common. I won't go into detail now since this guy is another post all on his own.
So, I see my friends' post just now and notice this guy "liked" it and made a comment. I thought, What?? She's still friends with him? Oh man .... So, I click on his name and I see that his profile picture is of himself and a cute asian girl. Must be the new girlfriend. Poor thing. He's got a house-full of kids all on his own and when he was with me, he was looking for a new "mommy for his young ones." Talk about pressure, AND scary to boot! I shudder every time I think about it. I haven't posted that story yet because it still gives me nightmares. Though, it's a rather entertaining story that leads into another, and I'll write about it eventually.
Now, I'm counting down the minutes until my weekend starts. Just fifteen more to go. Have a great Friday, readers!
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Yesterday ....
It was a very good day. Yes, despite the pain I was in the night before, the whole day turned out very well.
Go ahead and laugh, but, I listened to my horoscope for yesterday and it wasn't all that hard. It said something about wanting confirmation (more than usual) that I'm a part of something special. I noticed this when I posted my current status on fb. I had to laugh when I read the comments because it seemed that, subconsciously, I WAS trying to get some kind of affirmation. I wasn't. But, I thought it was funny how my horoscope for the day came true.
And, then after work, I go to pick up M since we had an appointment with Tmobile guy to jazz up our phones (screen protectors & covers, even some skullcandy). I was in a real good mood all day, and M was too. We had a half hour to kill, so we headed to our favorite Pho place. Our server seemed to complete another part of my horoscope as she complimented on how "cute" I looked. She asked "where do you work that you get to look so cute?" I was so flattered! Not that I dressed any different from any other day of work, but I guess, some outfits stand out more than others that I wear.
Anyway, it was a really feel-good sort of day. Today isn't so bad either. I was supposed to go riding with one of my riding boys tonight, but he's finishing up his Halloween costume tonight. Tomorrow night is the ultimate costume party over at Aloha Tower. But, I'm passing on it since my costumes are no where near being ready. Plus, it's family Friday night. M and I are taking B to see "Hotel Transylvania" after work. I can't wait!
Saturday night, I'll be catching a flick at the film festival with one of my good buddies. He and I have never met, but we've known each other a long time now. We text everyday and just started video chatting on Tango. After hanging out with him, it'll be girls night out as we head over to my friends' birthday extravaganza at Pearl.
On Sunday, we'll be celebrating my twin nieces second birthday. So happy we'll get to see them! Miss then a lot!
Then, it will be the second episode of the third season of The Walking Dead. Great weekend ahead!!
Go ahead and laugh, but, I listened to my horoscope for yesterday and it wasn't all that hard. It said something about wanting confirmation (more than usual) that I'm a part of something special. I noticed this when I posted my current status on fb. I had to laugh when I read the comments because it seemed that, subconsciously, I WAS trying to get some kind of affirmation. I wasn't. But, I thought it was funny how my horoscope for the day came true.
And, then after work, I go to pick up M since we had an appointment with Tmobile guy to jazz up our phones (screen protectors & covers, even some skullcandy). I was in a real good mood all day, and M was too. We had a half hour to kill, so we headed to our favorite Pho place. Our server seemed to complete another part of my horoscope as she complimented on how "cute" I looked. She asked "where do you work that you get to look so cute?" I was so flattered! Not that I dressed any different from any other day of work, but I guess, some outfits stand out more than others that I wear.
Anyway, it was a really feel-good sort of day. Today isn't so bad either. I was supposed to go riding with one of my riding boys tonight, but he's finishing up his Halloween costume tonight. Tomorrow night is the ultimate costume party over at Aloha Tower. But, I'm passing on it since my costumes are no where near being ready. Plus, it's family Friday night. M and I are taking B to see "Hotel Transylvania" after work. I can't wait!
Saturday night, I'll be catching a flick at the film festival with one of my good buddies. He and I have never met, but we've known each other a long time now. We text everyday and just started video chatting on Tango. After hanging out with him, it'll be girls night out as we head over to my friends' birthday extravaganza at Pearl.
On Sunday, we'll be celebrating my twin nieces second birthday. So happy we'll get to see them! Miss then a lot!
Then, it will be the second episode of the third season of The Walking Dead. Great weekend ahead!!
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
More Birthday Shenanigans ...
No, not MY birthday shenanigans, but a friend of mine is celebrating her birthday this Saturday. So, ladies, it's Girls Night Out and we're going all out at Pearl Lounge in Ala Moana. Comment/Text me for details and let's ROCK this bitch!! (the party, the PARTY.... haha)
Birthday Recap
Yes, ladies and gents ... I am 25!! Yeah ... we'll go with that.
So, birthday night happened last month on the 21st. And it was A-W-E-S-O-M-E! It was a Friday, so the fun started right after I left work around 3pm. Shot it back to Kaneohe to get ready and then got picked up by one of my riding buddies. Riding to dinner on my friend's sexy CBR 1000rr was PERFECT. Dinner took place at a kind of fusion Japanese place where the food and drinks were oishii (delicious). We hung out for a few hours just eating and enjoying the evening.
Then, after dinner, the real fun began. It was "Pirate Night" with a group of misfit friends in Waikiki where we pub-crawled to a few bars throughout the night. I was the only one that didn't dress as a pirate, but it didn't matter. It was my birthday. The drinks and the fun flowed freely and I had the best time. My date, New M didn't make it because of a late night at work, but after I was thru having fun out on the town, I cabbed it to his place. We partied a little more before passing out in front of the tv where "I Love You, Man" ended up watching us sleep.
I really enjoyed birthday night, and I'm kind of glad I was dateless. It left me feeling free to have fun with anyone I wanted. And, I did! I'm not a party girl (anymore) so, I was amazed at how much I drank that night. Hangover cure the next day was much appreciated, though. That's one thing New M did right for me. I'll always remember that one.
For next year, I'm not sure what age I'll be celebrating, but it can only get better!
So, birthday night happened last month on the 21st. And it was A-W-E-S-O-M-E! It was a Friday, so the fun started right after I left work around 3pm. Shot it back to Kaneohe to get ready and then got picked up by one of my riding buddies. Riding to dinner on my friend's sexy CBR 1000rr was PERFECT. Dinner took place at a kind of fusion Japanese place where the food and drinks were oishii (delicious). We hung out for a few hours just eating and enjoying the evening.
Then, after dinner, the real fun began. It was "Pirate Night" with a group of misfit friends in Waikiki where we pub-crawled to a few bars throughout the night. I was the only one that didn't dress as a pirate, but it didn't matter. It was my birthday. The drinks and the fun flowed freely and I had the best time. My date, New M didn't make it because of a late night at work, but after I was thru having fun out on the town, I cabbed it to his place. We partied a little more before passing out in front of the tv where "I Love You, Man" ended up watching us sleep.
I really enjoyed birthday night, and I'm kind of glad I was dateless. It left me feeling free to have fun with anyone I wanted. And, I did! I'm not a party girl (anymore) so, I was amazed at how much I drank that night. Hangover cure the next day was much appreciated, though. That's one thing New M did right for me. I'll always remember that one.
For next year, I'm not sure what age I'll be celebrating, but it can only get better!
Need to let this go
Scrolling through my fb news feed this morning, I came across a friend's post that really made me think.
I've been harboring too much hate with every bad dating/hang out experience I've had for much too long. It's made me cold and very skeptical, and yes .... a bitch. At least, now I've recognized it and can do something about it.
Time to let the hate go. I've been hurt so much in these experiences, but I've also learned a lot. So, I can't say that it was all bad. I met a few really nice guys in the process, and fortunately, I've been able to keep them as good friends. But, I will say that the scale is very much unbalanced. The number of jerks and assholes more than outweigh the good guys.
So, I begin a dating hiatus. What I want most is to be with someone special who won't take me for granted and who will love me as much as I love them. But, now is not the right time. Now is the time for a cleanse, a break from all the could haves and what ifs. I WAS looking for a potential partner, but alas, all my endeavors have failed and I am tired of trying.
But, it doesn't mean the end of my blog. I'll still write about shenanigans and OH, do I have MORE dating stories to share. Just because I'm pausing on making new memories doesn't mean the well of old memories has dried up. No sir! This is going to be fun!
Stay tuned ....
I've been harboring too much hate with every bad dating/hang out experience I've had for much too long. It's made me cold and very skeptical, and yes .... a bitch. At least, now I've recognized it and can do something about it.
Time to let the hate go. I've been hurt so much in these experiences, but I've also learned a lot. So, I can't say that it was all bad. I met a few really nice guys in the process, and fortunately, I've been able to keep them as good friends. But, I will say that the scale is very much unbalanced. The number of jerks and assholes more than outweigh the good guys.
So, I begin a dating hiatus. What I want most is to be with someone special who won't take me for granted and who will love me as much as I love them. But, now is not the right time. Now is the time for a cleanse, a break from all the could haves and what ifs. I WAS looking for a potential partner, but alas, all my endeavors have failed and I am tired of trying.
But, it doesn't mean the end of my blog. I'll still write about shenanigans and OH, do I have MORE dating stories to share. Just because I'm pausing on making new memories doesn't mean the well of old memories has dried up. No sir! This is going to be fun!
Stay tuned ....
What's your muse?
I am just realizing that, unfortunately, my muse is pain. When I'm hurting, that's when my creative juices flow. Not sure how creative I am at the moment, but I am in pain.
I won't go into detail ... wounds are still too fresh. I may post about it tomorrow. Not tonight as I am too emotionally exhausted. And, it's late.
Goodnight readers.
I won't go into detail ... wounds are still too fresh. I may post about it tomorrow. Not tonight as I am too emotionally exhausted. And, it's late.
Goodnight readers.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
No, it isn't OK
Dude is not ok. And, I don't know what to say. Maybe nothing at all. Maybe, that's what's best for now. To say nothing. I won't offer to help because he won't take it. So, there's nothing I can do. It's beyond my control, and I am speechless.
Words fail to convey just how I feel in this moment. Sigh.
Words fail to convey just how I feel in this moment. Sigh.
Just too close ....
Ugh ... feels like I'm too close .... for anything right now. I'm on the verge of breaking down right here in front of my computer. At work. Go me.
Not that I'm a religious believer in astrology, but my horoscope warns that I should stay away from confrontation today. I read this late last night and, being level-headed at the time, thought this was a good idea.
This morning is a different story.
I can't dig my thoughts out of what's happening with new M. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. No texts or calls. Nothing. Trying my hardest not to fully go bonkers at the possibilities of what could be going on here. But, judging from this past weekend, I think he's putting up a wall between us. He's said before that he doesn't need any more stress than he's already got. I agree .... who does? But, since we had that talk, I haven't put any kind of stress or pressure on him.
Still, he won't let me in and it's more than a little distracting today. I went about my day just fine yesterday focusing my energies on things going on during my day. But, I can't seem to pull that same energy today. Every thing I think of seems confrontational. I just wrote a text (but didn't send) telling him I'd appreciate being told if he doesn't want to see me anymore. I stopped myself from pressing send and thought this could end up very bad.
Not what I want at all. I need to clear my head.
Not that I'm a religious believer in astrology, but my horoscope warns that I should stay away from confrontation today. I read this late last night and, being level-headed at the time, thought this was a good idea.
This morning is a different story.
I can't dig my thoughts out of what's happening with new M. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. No texts or calls. Nothing. Trying my hardest not to fully go bonkers at the possibilities of what could be going on here. But, judging from this past weekend, I think he's putting up a wall between us. He's said before that he doesn't need any more stress than he's already got. I agree .... who does? But, since we had that talk, I haven't put any kind of stress or pressure on him.
Still, he won't let me in and it's more than a little distracting today. I went about my day just fine yesterday focusing my energies on things going on during my day. But, I can't seem to pull that same energy today. Every thing I think of seems confrontational. I just wrote a text (but didn't send) telling him I'd appreciate being told if he doesn't want to see me anymore. I stopped myself from pressing send and thought this could end up very bad.
Not what I want at all. I need to clear my head.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Mistakes that make me laugh ...
Oh WOW. So, you remember motorcycle guy from the beginning of my blog, right? Well, I've been way over that for a very long time now and I just sent him a message on fb pretty much saying adios!
I was browsing his fb wall earlier today and noticed that he posts a whole hell of a lot for being overseas on duty. Yeah, he's been fine these past 10 months. He'll be back before I know it, but I won't hear from him. Damn fine with me. And, the reason being .... I look at him now and think "what was I thinking?" I know .... I'm terrible! But, it's true. I must have been wearing rose-colored glasses the whole time I was into him. Or, maybe it was the appeal of the motorcycle. Whatever it was, it's gone now. And, I made sure that I'll never hear from that guy again.
But, you know .... I can't help but laugh at my callousness as I sat here, in the dark stamping out that little message saying that I was gonna unfriend him because we don't talk ... ever AND he isn't coming back to Hawaii for long. Soooo .... what's the point? If he wanted to be friends, he would have stayed in better contact. Plus, his updates on fb got so annoying that I blocked him from my newsfeed months ago. Oh, and I told him that. Yup ... great, isn't it?
So, I'm over it. I'm still laughing because I can be a real bitch sometimes, plus I'm so damn amused with how I handled that. It was a mean message and I really didn't mean to send it, but it happened. I wished him well, and then unfriended him.
'Tis the start to my awesome night ..... still laughing.
I was browsing his fb wall earlier today and noticed that he posts a whole hell of a lot for being overseas on duty. Yeah, he's been fine these past 10 months. He'll be back before I know it, but I won't hear from him. Damn fine with me. And, the reason being .... I look at him now and think "what was I thinking?" I know .... I'm terrible! But, it's true. I must have been wearing rose-colored glasses the whole time I was into him. Or, maybe it was the appeal of the motorcycle. Whatever it was, it's gone now. And, I made sure that I'll never hear from that guy again.
But, you know .... I can't help but laugh at my callousness as I sat here, in the dark stamping out that little message saying that I was gonna unfriend him because we don't talk ... ever AND he isn't coming back to Hawaii for long. Soooo .... what's the point? If he wanted to be friends, he would have stayed in better contact. Plus, his updates on fb got so annoying that I blocked him from my newsfeed months ago. Oh, and I told him that. Yup ... great, isn't it?
So, I'm over it. I'm still laughing because I can be a real bitch sometimes, plus I'm so damn amused with how I handled that. It was a mean message and I really didn't mean to send it, but it happened. I wished him well, and then unfriended him.
'Tis the start to my awesome night ..... still laughing.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
A little fun ...
After catching up on some shows, I decided to go out for a little bit. Went to visit M at work where he made me some food. And, then I had a thought. There's a film I want to see at hiff tonight and cute Tmobile guy is working today.
So, I go over to the store and wait until he's available to see me. I hover around the area that has screen protectors since that's what I'm looking to get for my S3. He comes over and we talk a bit and I ask him my S3-related questions. He's very helpful and after not coming in or seeing him for five months, he remembers my name.
The questions are all answered and before he can ask if there's anything else I want to know or have a question on, I lay it out ... "are you seeing anyone?" He said yes, which I was not surprised. Dude's pretty cute. And, then he asked me why and says "cause you have a friend, right?" I thought how that was a weird comeback, but I really baffled this guy as he couldn't fathom that I was asking for myself. I say that I was going to catch a movie tonight and thought I'd ask if he was free. His reaction was even more surprised, but I didn't let it get weird. So, I told him that it was fine and it was a spur of the moment thing. He thanked me for the invite and I said that I'll see him next week (since I have an appointment for him to put on my screen protector).
Yes, I got turned down, but at least now I know and I'm glad that I asked. I left the store surprisingly happy. Happy, because I know I planted the seed of curiosity in his mind and he'll be thinking about it til we meet again.
So, I go over to the store and wait until he's available to see me. I hover around the area that has screen protectors since that's what I'm looking to get for my S3. He comes over and we talk a bit and I ask him my S3-related questions. He's very helpful and after not coming in or seeing him for five months, he remembers my name.
The questions are all answered and before he can ask if there's anything else I want to know or have a question on, I lay it out ... "are you seeing anyone?" He said yes, which I was not surprised. Dude's pretty cute. And, then he asked me why and says "cause you have a friend, right?" I thought how that was a weird comeback, but I really baffled this guy as he couldn't fathom that I was asking for myself. I say that I was going to catch a movie tonight and thought I'd ask if he was free. His reaction was even more surprised, but I didn't let it get weird. So, I told him that it was fine and it was a spur of the moment thing. He thanked me for the invite and I said that I'll see him next week (since I have an appointment for him to put on my screen protector).
Yes, I got turned down, but at least now I know and I'm glad that I asked. I left the store surprisingly happy. Happy, because I know I planted the seed of curiosity in his mind and he'll be thinking about it til we meet again.
Lazy day
Yes, it's a lazy Sunday for me. I actually have the day all to myself and I'm rather enjoying it. Little B is off for the day with her grandparents, M is at work and I am here, in front of my television just kickin' it.
New M asked me yesterday to come over some time today, but I'm not feeling it at the moment. Just want to sit here, write and catch up on "The New Girl." I freaking love this show. And, not to mention the season 3 premiere of "The Walking Dead" is tonight. Can't wait!
Hope you're all enjoying your weekend ...
New M asked me yesterday to come over some time today, but I'm not feeling it at the moment. Just want to sit here, write and catch up on "The New Girl." I freaking love this show. And, not to mention the season 3 premiere of "The Walking Dead" is tonight. Can't wait!
Hope you're all enjoying your weekend ...
Friday, October 12, 2012
This is Madness
No, it really isn't. It's just the song I'm currently listening to by Muse - Madness. Absolutely loving it.
Despite my plans to go riding tonight falling through, I've had a pretty good day. I cancelled my bike night venture with the rest of the crew because I'll be spending some quality time with little B.
Late last night, new M texted that he wanted company and asked me to come over. I wasn't going to since it was late, but I wanted to see him too. I got there just after 12:30 and we put in a movie after some witty banter and some much needed cuddling. I think I know why I'm so attracted to him ... I crave his touch and to feel his body close to mine.
Anyway, I spent the night and left later than usual in the morning. He was NO help as he kept pulling me back into bed. Sigh. Why do I enjoy this time with him so much? It doesn't mean anything ... at least, not now.
Trying not to think about it.
So, I'm just about done with work and don't plan on seeing new M anytime this weekend. Tomorrow, we're going to catch the afternoon show of Cirque Du Soleil: Quidam. Excited.
Have a fun Friday night, all!
Despite my plans to go riding tonight falling through, I've had a pretty good day. I cancelled my bike night venture with the rest of the crew because I'll be spending some quality time with little B.
Late last night, new M texted that he wanted company and asked me to come over. I wasn't going to since it was late, but I wanted to see him too. I got there just after 12:30 and we put in a movie after some witty banter and some much needed cuddling. I think I know why I'm so attracted to him ... I crave his touch and to feel his body close to mine.
Anyway, I spent the night and left later than usual in the morning. He was NO help as he kept pulling me back into bed. Sigh. Why do I enjoy this time with him so much? It doesn't mean anything ... at least, not now.
Trying not to think about it.
So, I'm just about done with work and don't plan on seeing new M anytime this weekend. Tomorrow, we're going to catch the afternoon show of Cirque Du Soleil: Quidam. Excited.
Have a fun Friday night, all!
Thursday, October 11, 2012
This is my stop ... right here.
I am having a doozy of an afternoon .... Please let me off here. I'm getting dizzy going round and round. This isn't fun anymore.
At the moment, I'm texting one of my good friends about my frustration. I'm done giving new M attention. If he wants me in his life as more, then he's gonna have to chase me down because as of right now, he is NOT a priority on my list. He isn't gonna like that so it's time to let HIM be frustrated and beg for the attention. Because ... I know he will. I'm not trying to be vain or anything ... it's just the way it goes, I've noticed. It's time I concentrate on other aspects of my life and leave that option open ended for now.
I will make one last attempt at getting a date before I'm totally done for the while. Tmobile guy still works at the location I frequent and I'm gonna ask him out for the hell of it. Yeah.
At the moment, I'm texting one of my good friends about my frustration. I'm done giving new M attention. If he wants me in his life as more, then he's gonna have to chase me down because as of right now, he is NOT a priority on my list. He isn't gonna like that so it's time to let HIM be frustrated and beg for the attention. Because ... I know he will. I'm not trying to be vain or anything ... it's just the way it goes, I've noticed. It's time I concentrate on other aspects of my life and leave that option open ended for now.
I will make one last attempt at getting a date before I'm totally done for the while. Tmobile guy still works at the location I frequent and I'm gonna ask him out for the hell of it. Yeah.
And, just like that ....
BAM! Comment, GONE.
Not sure how many of you were able to see that comment left in my last post before I obliterated it, but it was posted by Movie man. Yeah. Haven't heard from him in MONTHS and all of a sudden he's interested in my blog. What a fucking prick.
So, I go on fb to message the guy to stay away from me and I discover that he had messaged me the day after we called it quits. Somehow, he found my blog which I purposely kept away from him since I write about my dating life. He's the type to get jealous reading about other guys I previously hung out with. Anyway, I don't care what he thinks about me or my dating life because I was never really in it with him. If you recall, I was very hesitant about putting up a "status" with the guy. When I finally did, it all came apart. For the better, I think.
Now, I don't expect to hear back from Movie man, but I will be surprised if I do. He is blocked from my blog now and it's funny to think that he's been reading it for the last five months.
Ohh man ... it's hilarious how they all seem to come back in one form or another. Yeah, I am THAT awesome. Bahahaha!
Not sure how many of you were able to see that comment left in my last post before I obliterated it, but it was posted by Movie man. Yeah. Haven't heard from him in MONTHS and all of a sudden he's interested in my blog. What a fucking prick.
So, I go on fb to message the guy to stay away from me and I discover that he had messaged me the day after we called it quits. Somehow, he found my blog which I purposely kept away from him since I write about my dating life. He's the type to get jealous reading about other guys I previously hung out with. Anyway, I don't care what he thinks about me or my dating life because I was never really in it with him. If you recall, I was very hesitant about putting up a "status" with the guy. When I finally did, it all came apart. For the better, I think.
Now, I don't expect to hear back from Movie man, but I will be surprised if I do. He is blocked from my blog now and it's funny to think that he's been reading it for the last five months.
Ohh man ... it's hilarious how they all seem to come back in one form or another. Yeah, I am THAT awesome. Bahahaha!
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Patience is a Virtue
In my previous post, I said that I would be chill and just .... go with it. Believe me, I'm trying. But, every now and then, I slip up and my brain starts thinking too much and making things up in my head. When will this stop?
So, I've done it before and I'll do it again. It may be time to forget New M. I let the same thing happen to me with him as it did with a bunch of previous guys. They come on so strong in the beginning and lead me to think they want so much more than just friends that have fun, one on one. They make me think I matter the most in their life (at the time) and then, BAM! The bomb drops that all they want to do is have fun, no strings. Our time together is then reduced to just friends that hang out and I no longer matter or am the attraction that made them once upon a time, jump for joy whenever they heard from me.
But, before I put New M in the discarded pile of boys, let me recap the weekend....
Friday night, I stayed close to home, partying like a rockstar at our nearby Seafood bar and grill, but still got to sleep early. There were no plans with new M because when I asked earlier in the week if he had plans, he thought I was going to be riding, so he made plans with his guy friends to check out First Friday in Chinatown. I thought that was cool. But, the whole time, I kinda wished I heard from him ... which, I did not. But, I was fine with it.
So, we text on Saturday a bit and make tentative plans to hang out later and watch movies at his place. I spent the day with M and B doing errands, getting my new Galaxy S3 while betrothing my S2 to M. That lifted my spirits pretty high! M had plans that night to attend a birthday party, so I, again, had no babysitter. It was fine because new M cancelled our plans since his friends needed his "help" that night. So, we were on the way to dropping M off in Kailua when I get a text from new M saying he was heading home and asked me over if I wasn't too tired. I was surprised, but I said "sure" and that I needed time to go home and freshen up.
Long story short, I got to his place just before 11pm and we stayed up pretty late watching a few movies, playing on YouTube and talking. And, taking shots. Man .... ugh. Anyway, he busts out this bottle of Japanese whiskey and tells me that he's been waiting for me to drink it. See, while I was on Maui, he wandered into Marukai on Dillingham while waiting for his windshield to be fixed nearby and bought this bottle since it was different, and Japanese. Anyway, I was written all over his thoughts in this purchase (besides it being whiskey, his favorite) and I thought it would be gone way before I got back. Wrong. His words - "I've been waiting for you." So, we drink it and it wasn't that bad, I have to admit. A lot smoother than his boyfriend, Jack. Haha ...
So, he gets me drunk off a few shots of that and the next morning, my head isn't feeling so good. Try as I might, I can't sleep for shit so he gets up and makes me a hangover cure. Apple juice and a shot of jack chugged really REALLY works. It's crazy. We end up sleeping half the day away and then finally wake up to run some errands and grab a late lunch. After that, it was back to the bat cave for more movies, live concerts and shenanigans.
On Monday, we did more of the same, but this time, I wasn't hanging. Thank goodness! I actually got a LOT of sleep this past weekend thanks to New M wanting nothing more than to chill .... and his really comfy bed!
Upon returning home that afternoon and getting B squared away with her fall break homework and such, new M texts me to come back. I thought it was funny because I hadn't been gone more than hour or so. I wanted to, but wasn't able to for a few hours. Boy was out of booze and hungry. Think he wanted me to go with him to get these things. I was cool with it, but before I could leave, he texted back that his friends might need him and that he'd let me know.
So, I stayed home since I had no babysitter and I was pretty tired. He wanted the company, but understood my remaining home.
And, now it's back to barely any texts during the week and that's usually where my mind wanders. I know I'm partly worried for nothing because I know he likes being with me as much as I like being with him. It shows when we're together ... and, that makes me feel good. But, also messes with my head just a little.
Maybe this tough decision doesn't have to be made yet ... into or not into the discarded boy pile does he go? I'll give it a little more time.
Thanks for reading ... that was a long one!
So, I've done it before and I'll do it again. It may be time to forget New M. I let the same thing happen to me with him as it did with a bunch of previous guys. They come on so strong in the beginning and lead me to think they want so much more than just friends that have fun, one on one. They make me think I matter the most in their life (at the time) and then, BAM! The bomb drops that all they want to do is have fun, no strings. Our time together is then reduced to just friends that hang out and I no longer matter or am the attraction that made them once upon a time, jump for joy whenever they heard from me.
But, before I put New M in the discarded pile of boys, let me recap the weekend....
Friday night, I stayed close to home, partying like a rockstar at our nearby Seafood bar and grill, but still got to sleep early. There were no plans with new M because when I asked earlier in the week if he had plans, he thought I was going to be riding, so he made plans with his guy friends to check out First Friday in Chinatown. I thought that was cool. But, the whole time, I kinda wished I heard from him ... which, I did not. But, I was fine with it.
So, we text on Saturday a bit and make tentative plans to hang out later and watch movies at his place. I spent the day with M and B doing errands, getting my new Galaxy S3 while betrothing my S2 to M. That lifted my spirits pretty high! M had plans that night to attend a birthday party, so I, again, had no babysitter. It was fine because new M cancelled our plans since his friends needed his "help" that night. So, we were on the way to dropping M off in Kailua when I get a text from new M saying he was heading home and asked me over if I wasn't too tired. I was surprised, but I said "sure" and that I needed time to go home and freshen up.
Long story short, I got to his place just before 11pm and we stayed up pretty late watching a few movies, playing on YouTube and talking. And, taking shots. Man .... ugh. Anyway, he busts out this bottle of Japanese whiskey and tells me that he's been waiting for me to drink it. See, while I was on Maui, he wandered into Marukai on Dillingham while waiting for his windshield to be fixed nearby and bought this bottle since it was different, and Japanese. Anyway, I was written all over his thoughts in this purchase (besides it being whiskey, his favorite) and I thought it would be gone way before I got back. Wrong. His words - "I've been waiting for you." So, we drink it and it wasn't that bad, I have to admit. A lot smoother than his boyfriend, Jack. Haha ...
So, he gets me drunk off a few shots of that and the next morning, my head isn't feeling so good. Try as I might, I can't sleep for shit so he gets up and makes me a hangover cure. Apple juice and a shot of jack chugged really REALLY works. It's crazy. We end up sleeping half the day away and then finally wake up to run some errands and grab a late lunch. After that, it was back to the bat cave for more movies, live concerts and shenanigans.
On Monday, we did more of the same, but this time, I wasn't hanging. Thank goodness! I actually got a LOT of sleep this past weekend thanks to New M wanting nothing more than to chill .... and his really comfy bed!
Upon returning home that afternoon and getting B squared away with her fall break homework and such, new M texts me to come back. I thought it was funny because I hadn't been gone more than hour or so. I wanted to, but wasn't able to for a few hours. Boy was out of booze and hungry. Think he wanted me to go with him to get these things. I was cool with it, but before I could leave, he texted back that his friends might need him and that he'd let me know.
So, I stayed home since I had no babysitter and I was pretty tired. He wanted the company, but understood my remaining home.
And, now it's back to barely any texts during the week and that's usually where my mind wanders. I know I'm partly worried for nothing because I know he likes being with me as much as I like being with him. It shows when we're together ... and, that makes me feel good. But, also messes with my head just a little.
Maybe this tough decision doesn't have to be made yet ... into or not into the discarded boy pile does he go? I'll give it a little more time.
Thanks for reading ... that was a long one!
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