Monday, June 4, 2012

Thoughts ....

Is it really possible to not be interested in any one guy? One of my friends asked me if I'm interested in anyone and my response was 'no'. I guess there are times when I go through this ... not being interested in anyone in particular. 

Well, I'm not exactly being honest. There's someone that I was sort of interested in, but he and I are just friends. 

Yup, it sucks being in the "just friends" category, but who was I kidding? Some guys are just not meant to be with just one girl. Some guys just want to be free and have fun ... like me. Hahaha! How ironic ...


  1. Nah, we can be interested in more than one person at any given time. Doesn't matter if it's males or females going through this. I say just go with the flow....
