Monday, April 16, 2012

Damn Good!

It's the end of another great weekend ... sometimes I wish it would never end. Spring Film Festival started and I was to attend a Korean flick with a few friends on Friday night. After finishing up what was left of my taxes, I met up with an old friend for dinner at my favorite Pho place in Kaneohe. I had a window of about an hour before my film started, so we decided to meet and eat. 

I haven't seen this guy in a few years, so catching up was nice and went longer than I expected. Needless to say, I missed my movie, but it was for the best. B had been coming down with a cold and I wanted to be home to take care of her.

Saturday got off to a rough start. B and I met M and his parents for brunch at Ruby's before my cousin's wedding that afternoon. M was scheduled to take care of B, but she wasn't feeling well and only wanted her mommy. It was just as well because M had been drinking at brunch and could not stop antagonizing me, so I stayed home with B while my family went to the wedding. I hear it was nice, but I am glad to have had the time to spend with my little one and help her get better. Movie man came over with a nice, big pizza for B and I that night, too. It was really nice to see him, even though he was so tired after work. 

That night, after putting B to bed, I had been texting a new guy that I met two or so weeks ago. He's a motorcycle guy and that was the mutual interest when we first met. And, late last night we were texting about riding and he proposes a ride early the next morning. I was all for it, but had a Japanese film I was going to see at noon. So, I mention the film festival and he had never been. Told him which flick I was going to see and that if he was interested, he could come with. He loved the idea and so we met up at the mall about an hour and half before the film and he took me riding before heading up to Dole. So, if anyone saw a blue and silver sports bike with 2 riders and spiked helmets on the road about 11 am on Sunday, that was us! 

The film we saw had been Ace Attorney. It was over two hours, but it was one of those intense mystery movies with a lot of comedy, so it didn't feel so long. We both loved it. And, then he took me to subway across the street for lunch. We talked, the usual "getting to know you" stuff when you meet someone new. And, after that, he drove me back to my car which had been parked at the mall. He invited me to the next "Bike Night" that he does and I am going to go! Ordering my helmet this week  ...

I'm going to end it here since it is late and I need my sleep. The weekend post isn't over yet ... xoxo

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