Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Hello readers! I am very new at this, so I pray you bear with me and hopefully, find this somewhat interesting.

I'm starting this blog as an aversion to the very popular social media site, Facebook. Yes, you've heard of it and you may even be a very active member, or a low-key player. For myself, I've been on Facebook since 2008 ... not a very active participant but I've done my share of commenting, posting pictures and video, status updates and youtube sharing. Not to mention the array of online games to be played. But through the years of scrolling through comments and seeing everyone's updates in the news feed, I tend to feel annoyed and irritated with what some do and how obsessive they are about letting people know they're doing it. I never wanted to be one of those, so I would stick to a post, a status update every now and then. Lately, I've been updating everyday, sometimes twice a day plus a youtube video or a picture to share. Way too much activity, even for me! I claim to not like facebook much and here's why: while it is a great way to keep in touch with friends and family, most of the public only add you as a 'friend' to add to their numbers. I am not a number. If there is no interaction or attempts to start some contact go unanswered after the initial friend request, you're gone ... at least off of my friend list. It is also a very public place ... not very personal at all. I'm talking about using fb as a tool to keep in touch via messaging, wall posts, picture commenting, so on and so on.

So, here I am, blogging what's in my head at the moment. And, what is currently on my mind is the impersonal touch of that fb message. I was seeing someone last month whom I had only known a few weeks until he left for duty in the Middle East. We clicked like I hadn't with anyone in a long time. I had not expected that and figured that since he was leaving, we would chalk it up to a very good time and not keep in contact. Well, I made the mistake of asking him if he wanted to stay in touch a week before he left. And his reply was "yes. Do you have facebook?" Right there! As soon as he asked that question, my heart sank. Regardless, I agreed and approved his friend request.

Now, I'm finding myself on fb more than ever. I try to resist looking at his wall to see if he's made a new status but curiosity gets the best of me at times. And, messages between us will go unanswered for days and days and then I start to wonder if he ever meant to personally keep in touch with me.

I got my answer last night. About a month ago, I sent him a hand-written note. Nothing special, just a little note conveying that I care. Upon receipt of such a letter, any letter, wouldn't you feel inclined to send a personal "thank you" or just a message saying "hey! I got your letter!" Well, not the case with this guy. A very broad, very general "thank you" was his status update last night. How it feels to be lumped in with the rest of his fb friends, not good. Especially since I thought we had a little more going than just plain friends ....

While I don't mean to diss on the ever-popular FB, I just need a break. From him, from the posts and comments, from the curiosity within. It takes up too much thought in my day and so, instead of worrying about updating my status' too much and leaving people to wonder 'what is going on?' with no explanation, I bring my brain to fart all over this blog.


  1. I like your idea here and thought process (Have I mention you are an awesome writer?). I agree with not updating all the time on my FB, and when I do it's random things. I'll be a regular reader here of your blog. Just roll with it.....

  2. Thank you, Erica! It's usually random things for me too, but I was dumb and let a guy affect me in my everyday, random fb life. Ugh. Anyway, I am so glad to have you on board as a reader! I hope to keep things interesting =)

  3. bookface is cool if it's small snippets. i used to blog on myspace, until that medium crashed. now, most of my thoughts are shared vocally. keep on writing, it's good to get it out.


    1. Hahaha! Bookface! I love it, Zion =) Thanks for the encouragement =) And, yes, you do express your thoughts vocally and that's a good thing ... if not hilarious =P

  4. I think its a great idea! I will follow ;) Did anyone told you that you should write for a magazine or a newspaper?

    1. Aww, thanks Katya! I've gotten some great feedback on my writing. I would love to write for a major publication =) Welcome aboard! I hope I don't bombard you guys with too much reading ... hee hee!

  5. I enjoyed reading your thoughts. Please keep it up. You got another follower :)

  6. great blog, i love it, im so glad u r finally doing this since u r a talented & not 2 mention very entertaining writer, idk why he couldnt give u the same courtesy u gave him, a personalized message...<3, ur cuzin Taraaaa Lei

  7. i think u should def keep up the good work, ill be waiting eagerly to read your upcoming posts, luv!

  8. Thank you much, Tara! I am so glad my extended and explained thoughts are entertaining enough for you to want to read more! I got another one brewin' ... hahaha! <3 you!!

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Someone recommended your blog to me, so to do the recommendation justice I'm reading from the very beginning. Please forgive my tardiness in advance. It's clear as I read, and I'm sure to you in hindsight, that the issue at hand for you is men and not social media. Let's call it how I see it. You are seeking the answers you hope to get and maybe not the ones you received. Men aren't brought up to inflict emotional pain on women. They tend to be passive aggressive and drop subtle hints hoping that women will gracefull exit stage left. So I think in your hopes, you missed the clues that he's just not into you.

    So hope back on social media and off the dogs!

  11. Veruca, thanks for your comments. I wasn't aware of all the emails going to my gmail. I'm terrible with checking personal email.

    But, yes, you're very tardy in starting this blog. It's 3 years old, though I do keep it up. Your perspective is fresh and I appreciate your insight. One thing, this blog is but one aspect of my life. Dating and some social circles. I vent here, not everything, and I don't post everyday. So, this isn't my whole life. I hope you see that. And, I do realize that a lot of it makes me look shallow, and insecure. I can assure you that I am neither.

    I crave real relationships, whether they're friendly, or romantic. At this point in my life, I know what I am capable of, and finding that special someone just isn't a priority. Doesn't mean I'm going to stop sharing stories. Whether they're from my past or things that happen now.

    Can I ask who recommended my blog?

    Anyway, thanks again for all the comments. I'll be taking some time now to go through them.

